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Ultrafast Computing with Nonlinear Photonics


Li, Gordon Han Ying (2025) Ultrafast Computing with Nonlinear Photonics. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/g8re-9a27.


Computers have revolutionized almost every facet of modern society, and as we approach the physical limits of digital electronics, it becomes imperative to investigate alternative computing hardware paradigms to enable the next generation of faster and more energy-efficient computers. This thesis embarks on building the foundation for a new kind of computer, based on ultrafast nonlinear photonics, aiming to overcome some of the limitations plaguing current computers. In particular, we primarily focus on the clock rate, which has stagnated at ∼5 GHz for conventional microprocessors over the past two decades.

We begin by identifying single nonlinear devices in lithium niobate nanophotonics that can act as essential building blocks for computers, showing a variety of nonlinear functions with operational speeds > 13 THz for artificial intelligence computing workloads. Then, we progress to small-scale photonic computing circuits combining both strong nonlinearity and memory feedback in a physical reservoir computer for temporal information processing with ∼10 GHz clock rates. Additionally, we explore unconventional computer architectures such as Cellular Automata, which reveals key system-level considerations that maximize the benefits of ultrafast nonlinear photonics in large-scale computers. This culminates in the demonstration of truly end-to-end and all-optical computing with > 100 GHz clock rates, which represents over an order-of-magnitude advancement compared to existing electronic computers. Finally, we prove mathematically how coupled nonlinear optical resonators are Turing-complete computers.

Overall, this work builds on the recent advances in nonlinear photonics and highlights a path for a new class of ultrafast photonic computers that can surpass the clock rate and latency limits of electronic computers, hence enabling nascent applications requiring real-time control or information processing at picosecond timescales.

Item Type:Thesis (Dissertation (Ph.D.))
Subject Keywords:nonlinear optics; photonics; optical computing; neuromorphic computing; ultrafast computing; artificial intelligence
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Engineering and Applied Science
Major Option:Applied Physics
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
  • Marandi, Alireza
Thesis Committee:
  • Faraon, Andrei (chair)
  • Bruck, Jehoshua
  • Vahala, Kerry J.
  • Marandi, Alireza
Defense Date:30 January 2025
Non-Caltech Author (AT)
Funding AgencyGrant Number
Quad FellowshipUNSPECIFIED
Army Research Office (ARO)W911NF-18-1-0285
Army Research Office (ARO)W911NF-23-1-0048
National Science Foundation1846273
National Science Foundation1918549
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)FA9550-20-1-0040
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)D23AP00158
Record Number:CaltechTHESIS:02032025-021547979
Persistent URL:
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URLURL TypeDescription adapted for ch.2 adapted for ch.3 adapted for ch.4 adapted for ch.5 adapted for ch.6 adapted for ch.7
Li, Gordon Han Ying0000-0001-8184-4915
Default Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
ID Code:16983
Deposited By: Gordon Li
Deposited On:26 Feb 2025 00:13
Last Modified:04 Mar 2025 18:57

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