Engineering and Science, Volume 44:2, December 1980

Engineering and Science, Volume 44:2, December 1980. [Journal Issue]

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In This Issue

Gambing with Statistics
by Gary A. Lorden
Problems of statistical inference can be solved by sequential analysis - and so can questions of another sort.

A Change for Gates
For Gates Laboratory of Chemistry a new way for life is on the drawing board.

The Decline of Collective Responsibility in American Politics
by Morris P. Fiorina
As political parties have weakened, it has become easy for politicians to give us public relations rather than government.

Frederick C. Lindvall - How It Was
The first of two chapters in the the Oral History of Caltech, as recounted by a professor of engineering, emeritus.

Tech-nically, It's Music
Two unusual music courses offer Caltech students an opportunity for creative expression - with credit.

Research in Progress
Rings around the Planets: Thin rings around distant Uranus challenge the theorist and the innovative observer.

News of Neutrino: Do they or don't they? Have mass, that is. The debate continues.

Item Type:Journal Issue
Record Number:CaltechES:44.2.0
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Usage Policy:You are granted permission for individual, educational, research and non-commercial reproduction, distribution, display and performance of this work in any format.
Item Category:All Records > Complete Issues
ID Code:383
Deposited On:30 Mar 2009 21:39
Last Modified:03 Oct 2019 22:52

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