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Published November 1, 1993 | public
Journal Article Open

Temporal evolution of photorefractive double phase-conjugate mirrors


We present wave-optics calculations of the temporal and spatial evolution from random noise of a double phase-conjugate mirror in photorefractive media that show its image exchange and phase-reversal properties. The calculations show that for values of coupling coefficient times length greater than two the process exhibits excellent conjugation fidelity, behaves as an oscillator, and continues to operate even when the noise required for starting it is set to zero. For values less than two, the double phase-conjugation process exhibits poor fidelity and disappears when the noise is set to zero.

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© Copyright 1993 Optical Society of America Received April 6, 1993 We acknowledge the enlightening comments of the reviewers of this Letter. Note added in proof: In calculations performed after this Letter was accepted, we find that the threshold value is not necessarily equal to 2, in general, but depends on the spatial profile of the input beams and decreases with decreasing feature size in the information borne on the beams.


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