Published May 1, 1973 | public
Journal Article Open

Antiproton-Proton Annihilation into Charged Pion and Kaon Pairs from 0.7 to 2.4 GeV/c


A counter-spark-chamber experiment has been performed to measure the annihilation reactions p̅ p π+ π and p̅ p K+ K in the energy region 0.7-2.4 GeV/c. The angular region covered in the experiment was 0.65≤cosθc.m.≤1.0. The data were taken in order to study heavy bosons (mass greater than two nucleons) that might couple to the p̅ p system. Our data have been combined with data from a previous BNL-Caltech experiment to give complete folded angular distributions and total cross sections for these reactions at 12 incident momenta. The folded two-pion annihilation data have been fitted by a simple Breit-Wigner resonance model in order to explore possible resonance behavior. The extreme-angle data have been interpreted in terms of particle exchanges, and through crossing symmetry comparisons are made with backward π p and K p scattering.

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©1973 The American Physical Society. Received 1 June 1972. We are indebted to many people for their contributions, assistance, and encouragement during the course of this experiment. In particular, we thank the members of the AGS operating and planning staff, of the Brookhaven Central Scientific Computing Facility, of the Cryogenics Group, and of the Instrumentation Division. We also thank Dr. J. Fischer for designing and constructing the spark chambers; W. Friedler, H. Grau, J. Gatz, and J. Sanders for technical assistance; Dr. C.C. Shih, of Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Dr. S. Tewksbury, formerly at the University of Rochester, for helpful discussions and suggestions regarding the application of crossing relations; and Dr. R.L. Cool for advice and support in this work. One of us (H.N.) would also like to thank members of the Research Computing Center at the University of Massachusetts for assistance and financial support.


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