Published October 2003 | public
Journal Article Open

The academic and industrial embrace of space-time methods

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[Guest Editors introduction to: Special issue on space-time transmission, reception, coding and signal processing] Every episode of the classic 1966–1969 television series Star Trek begins with Captain Kirk's (played by William Shatner) famous words : "Space: The final frontier…." While space may not be the final frontier for the information and communication theory community, it is proving to be an important and fruitful one. In the information theory community, the notion of space can be broadly defined as the simultaneous use of multiple, possibly coupled, channels. The notions of space–time and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels are therefore often used interchangeably. The connection between space and MIMO is most transparent when we view the multiple channels as created by two or more spatially separated antennas at a wireless transmitter or receiver. A large component of the current interest in space–time methods can be attributed to discoveries in the late 1980s and early 1990s that a rich wireless scattering environment can be beneficial when multiple antennas are used on a point-to-point link. We now know that adding antennas in a rich environment provides proportional increases in point-to-point data rates, without extra transmitted power or bandwidth.

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