Published February 25, 1967 | public
Journal Article Open

Positive-pion production in inelastic π-p interactions between 500 and 1300 MeV


The momentum distributions of the π+ in the reaction π-p→π+π-n were measured at several π+ angles for incident π- beam energies of 516, 550, 599, 667, and 715 MeV; π-n mass spectra were calculated from the π+ momentum distributions. Partial data were also obtained at higher energies. The π- beam was obtained from the Berkeley Bevatron. The momenta of the π+ were measured with a magnetic spectrometer consisting of a C magnet and thin-walled aluminum spark chambers to display the trajectory of the particle entering and leaving the magnet. An array of scintillation counters was used to detect the occurrence of an event. An electronic time-of-flight system was used to distinguish positive pions from protons that passed through the spectrometer. The measured spectra can not be adequately explained by any of the several models with which we tried to fit our spectra, including an isobar model, although production of the (3,3) isobar is prominent.

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©1967 The American Physical Society. Received 19 September 1966. We would like to thank various members of the staff of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory for their help and support during the course of this experiment: Professor B. J. Moyer and Professor A. C. Helmholz, Walter Hartsough and the Bevatron crew, Jon Kiiskinen and the other scanners, as well as our colleagues, Dr. Don Lind, Dr. Jim Carroll, and Dr. William Bowman who helped us take data at various times during the run. Work done under the auspices of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.


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