Published March 31, 2023 | Published
Journal Article Open

Potential Singularity Formation of Incompressible Axisymmetric Euler Equations with Degenerate Viscosity Coefficients

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In this paper, we present strong numerical evidence that the incompressible axisymmetric Euler equations with degenerate viscosity coefficients and smooth initial data of finite energy develop a potential finite-time locally self-similar singularity at the origin. An important feature of this potential singularity is that the solution develops a two-scale traveling wave that travels toward the origin. The two-scale feature is characterized by the scaling property that the center of the traveling wave is located at a ring of radius O((T-t)½) surrounding the symmetry axis while the thickness of the ring collapses at a rate O(T-t). The driving mechanism for this potential singularity is due to an antisymmetric vortex dipole that generates a strong shearing layer in both the radial and axial velocity fields. Without the viscous regularization, the three-dimensional Euler equations develop a sharp front and some shearing instability in the far field. On the other hand, the Navier–Stokes equations with a constant viscosity coefficient regularize the two-scale solution structure and do not develop a finite-time singularity for the same initial data.

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© 2023 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. This research was in part supported by NSF grants DMS-1907977 and DMS-1912654. The second author was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China under grant 2021YFA1001500 and received support from the Choi Family Postdoc Gift Fund.

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August 22, 2023
October 20, 2023