Published December 2022 | public
Journal Article

Kuvaevite, Ir5Ni10S16, a New Mineral Species, Its Associations and Genetic Features, from the Sisim River Placer Zone, Eastern Sayans

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Kuvaevite, ((Ir,Rh)₅(Ni,Fe,Cu)₁₀S₁₆), forms small grains (up to 20 µm across) in globular inclusions hosted by grains of Os–Ir–(Ru) alloys (up to 0.5 mm) in ore occurrences along the Ko River in the Sisim placer zone, Eastern Sayans. Rh-bearing pentlandite or oberthürite (or both), the minerals of the laurite-erlichmanite series and Pt–(Pd)–Fe alloys are the main associated minerals. Kuvaevite is gray to brownish gray in color in reflected light. Its bireflectance is weak to absent. It is slightly pleochroic in gray to light brown shades, and slightly anisotropic, from gray to light yellow shades. Its calculated density is 6.37 g/cm³. According to results of microprobe analyses (n = 3) carried out using wavelength-dispersive spectrometry, WDS, the composition of kuvaevite is: Cu 5.94 (4.39–6.89), Ni 13.95 (13.80–14.24), Fe 10.95 (10.18–11.97), Co 0.07 (0.06–0.10), Ir 32.38 (32.19–32.73), Rh 7.27 (7.22–7.31), Pt 1.91 (1.67–2.06), Os 0.05 (0–0.09), Ru 0.05 (0.04–0.05), S 27.06 (26.77–27.41), total 99.63 wt.%. The empirical formulae calculated using the mean results of analyses are: (Ir₃.₂₂Rh₁.₃₅Pt₀.₁₉Ru₀.₀₁Os₀.₀₁)Σ₄.₇₈(Ni₄.₅₄Fe₃.₇₅Cu₁.₇₉Co₀.₀₂)_(Σ10.10)S₁₆.₁₃ (WDS) and (Ir₃.₂₃Rh₁.₄₃Pt₀.₂₅)Σ₄.₉₁(Ni₄.₄₉Fe₃.₅₇Cu₁.₈₆Co₀.₀₆)_(Σ9.98)S₁₆.₁₁(SEM/EDS; n = 56). These are based on a total of 31 atoms according to structural data obtained for torryweiserite, the rhodium-dominant analogue. Kuvaevite forms solid-solution series with torryweiserite, tamuraite and ferrotorryweiserite, all these being isostructural. The symmetry of kuvaevite was determined using the synchrotron Laue microdiffraction; the results are in good agreement with the trigonal crystal system and give the following unit-cell parameters: a = 7.079(5) Å, c = 34.344(12) Å, V = 1490(2) ų; Z = 3. The ratio c/a is 4.852. The probable space-group, R ̅3 m (#166), is based on structural results for torryweiserite. The strongest eight reflections in the X-ray diffraction pattern derived from the microdiffraction study [d in Å(hkl) (I)], are the following: 3.0530(20 ̅1)(43), 3.0103(2 ̅1 6)(100), 2.9962(1010)(53), 2.7991(205)(50), 2.4946(208)(31), 1.9208(3 ̅1 10)(41), 1.7697(4 ̅1 0)(73), 1.7582(2016)(66). The results of the electron backscatter diffraction study (EBSD) of two kuvaevite crystals are well–indexed based on the R ̅3 m space group. Kuvaevite and related sulfides significantly vary in composition in the Ko River placer, in the entire Sisim zone, and in some other ore occurrences worldwide. Associations of platinum-group minerals observed in ore occurrences at Ko River and in the Sisim zone seem to be genetically related to bedrock zones of chromite-bearing ultramafic rocks (serpentinites) of the Lysanskiy complex. Kuvaevite and other minerals present in the polymineralic inclusions, hosted by Os–Ir–(Ru) alloys, formed from droplets of residual melt. This melt accumulated the "incompatible" elements, which could not be incorporated into the structure of the host alloy, including lithophile elements, chalcogens (S, Te), semimetals (As, Sb, Bi), base metals (Fe, Ni, Cu), as well as relatively low-temperature PGE species (Pt, Pd) and Rh. There are local data on metastable crystallization and undercooling of the silicate melt, as well as effective differentiation and fractionation of S and ore components during the crystallization of these inclusions. Kuvaevite is named after O.M. Kuvaev (1934–1975), a prominent geologist, geophysicist and writer.

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© 2022, Novosibirsk State University. We express our sincere gratitude to the reviewers and the members of the editorial board, as well as to the staff of the Analytical Center for Multi-elemental and Isotope Research (IGM SB RAS, Novosibirsk), for their comprehensive and benevolent assistance. This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 22-27-00419). This work was also supported by the Government Contract of the V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy and by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

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August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023