Published November 27, 1985 | public
Journal Article

Probing polymer effects on chemical reactivity: ligand substitution kinetics of Ru(NH₃)₅(H₂O)²⁺ in Nafion films

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Several studies have addressed electron transport by outer-sphere electron-transfer processes for polymer-coated electrodes. However, relatively little attention has been focused upon the effects that the polymer environment will have upon the intrinsic chemical reactivity of the reagent bound in the polymer phase. Difficulties in quantifying and separating the role of substrate and product diffusion from partition effects and from intrinsic changes in chemical reactivity have also been recognized in studies of catalysis by polymer-bound organometallic complexes. We report studies of a model catalyst-substrate system for which we have been able to address the independent kinetic effects of reaction site homogeneity, substrate diffusion into the polymer film, and changes in activation parameters.

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© 1985 American Chemical Society. We acknowledge helpful discussions with Dr. W. Tumas and Profs. J. I. Brauman and H. Taube of Stanford University. Support for this work was provided by the Gas Research Institute. N.S.L. also received support from an IBM Young Faculty Development Award and from the Exxon Educational Foundation, Mobil Co., and Monsanto Co. under the Presidential Young Investigator Program.

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August 22, 2023
October 18, 2023