Published March 29, 1984 | public
Journal Article

Systematic studies of the semiconductor/liquid junction: n-gallium arsenide phosphide anodes in aqueous selenide (Se²⁻/Se₂²⁻) solutions


Epitaxial layers of n-GaAs₁₋ₓPₓ (0 < x < 1) have been studied as photoelectrodes and as Au Schottky junctions. We observe increases in open-circuit voltage, V_(OC), with increases in P content for n-GaAs₁₋ₓPₓ, (x < 0.4) and decreases in V_(OC) for x > 0.6. Under 88 mW/cm² of ELH-type (3350 K color temperature with a dichroic rear reflector) tungsten-halogen irradiation, we observe that n-GaAs_(0.72)P_(0.28) anodes exhibit a V_(OC) of 0.95-0.99 V, short-circuit currents of 15-17 mA/cm², and energy conversion efficiencies of 13.0 ± 1.0%. Irradiation at 632.8-nm yields monochromatic conversion efficiencies of greater than 30%, and solar irradiation (85-100 mW/cm²) yields efficiencies of 11.0 ± 1.0% in 1.0 M KOH/l.0 M Se²⁻/0.01 M Se₂²⁻ solutions. The n-GaAs_(0.72)P_(0.28) anodes exhibit stable photocurrent for passage of over 3000 C/cm² at AM1 photocurrent densities. Ru(H₂O)₆³⁺ ions are effective in improving photocurrent-voltage characteristics for n-GaAs₁₋ₓPₓ (0 < x < 1) anodes but have no effect for n-GaP,. indicating chemical interactions of the Ru ion with As or As oxide sites at the semiconductor/liquid junction. Direct comparison of V_(OC) for n-GaAs₁₋ₓPₓ/Au junctions with n-GaAs₁₋ₓPₓ/Se²⁻ barriers indicates that liquid junctions have higher V_(OC) values than some Schottky barriers and that pinning of the Fermi level by intrinsic surface states may not play a dominant role in determining interface parameters for these junctions.

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© 1984 American Chemical Society. We gratefully acknowledge C.L.R. Lewis of Varían Associates, Palo Alto, CA, and R. Farraro and L. Stinson of Hewlett-Packard, Inc., Palo Alto, for growth and characterization of some of the n-GaAs₁₋ₓPₓ, samples used in this study. We also thank G. Cogan, J. Gibbons, L. Christel, and G. Moddel of SERA Solar Corp., Santa Clara, CA, for many helpful discussions and for the use of metal evaporation and spectral response facilities. This work was supported by the Stanford Center for Materials Research, funded by the National Science Foundation, and by the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society.

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