Published July 2019 | public
Journal Article

First description of two moderately halophilic and psychrotolerant Mycoplasma species isolated from cephalopods and proposal of Mycoplasma marinum sp. nov. and Mycoplasma todarodis sp. nov

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Two moderately halophilic and psychrotolerant new Mycoplasma species were isolated from common cephalopods. Three strains were isolated in pure culture from two individual European flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus), and two individual octopuses (Octopus vulgaris). The strains showed optimal growth at 25 °C and a salinity of 3% (w/v) NaCl. Molecular analyses revealed that the isolates belonged to two new, but phylogenetically related species, divergent from all previously described Mollicutes, representing the first marine isolates of the class, and also the first Mycoplasma strains for which NaCl requirement has been demonstrated. A genome search against all available marine metagenomes and 16S rRNA gene databases indicated that these two species represent a novel non-free-living marine lineage of Mollicutes, specifically associated with marine animals. Morphology and physiology were compatible with other members of this group, and genomic and phenotypic analyses demonstrated that these organisms represent two novel species of the genus Mycoplasma, for which the names Mycoplasma marinum sp. nov. and Mycoplasma todarodis sp. nov. are proposed; the type strains are PEᵀ (DSM 105487ᵀ, CIP 111404ᵀ) and 5Hᵀ (DSM 105,488ᵀ, CIP 111405ᵀ), respectively.

Additional Information

We thank M. Pope for subsequent electron microscopy technical assistance. RRM acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Economy project CLG2015_66686-C3-1-P also supported with European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) funds. ASR acknowledges the Gobierno de Canarias (Spain) project P2007/046. RRM acknowledges the financial support of the sabbatical stay at Georgia Institute of Technology supported by the grant PRX18/00048 of the Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities. KTK's research was supported, in part, by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award No. 1,759,831). The authors also acknowledge Aharon Oren for his help in revising the etymology.

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August 22, 2023
October 24, 2023