Published October 1970 | public
Journal Article

Nucleochronologies and the Mean Age of the Elements

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The equations for a nucleosynthetic chronology are shown to be separable with the equations for extremely long-lived and stable nuclei yielding the mean age of the elements. This result is independent of the time-dependent production model used. This mean age is a lower bound on the age of the elements. The age of the elements is critically model-dependent. The short-lived isotopes are shown to yield the formation interval for the solar system which also is essentially model-independent. The short-lived and intermediate-lived isotopes taken relative to stable isotopes are shown to yield information on the rate of r-process nucleosynthesis with time and thus may provide the distribution of supernovae in time within the Galaxy.

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The authors wish to acknowledge stimulating and valuable discussions with their colleagues D. S. Burnett, R. F. Christy, T. Lauritsen, F. A. Podosek, M. Schmidt, and P. A. Seeger. The continuing interest of W. A. Fowler as well as his willingness to discuss these problems critically has been of great importance in the development of this work. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (grants GP 9114 and GP 15911). One of us (D. N. S.) was supported, in part, by an NDEA fellowship.

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September 15, 2023
October 23, 2023