Published September 12, 2022 | public
Journal Article

Optical bi-stability in cubic silicon carbide microring resonators

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We measure the photothermal nonlinear response in suspended cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) and 3C-SiC-on-insulator (SiCOI) microring resonators. Bi-stability and thermo-optic hysteresis is observed in both types of resonators, with the suspended resonators showing a stronger response. A photothermal nonlinear index of 4.02×10⁻¹⁵ m²/W is determined for the suspended resonators, while the SiCOI resonators demonstrate one order of magnitude lower photothermal nonlinear index of 4.32×10⁻¹⁶ m²/W. Cavity absorption and temperature analysis suggest that the differences in thermal bi-stability are due to variations in waveguide absorption, likely from crystal defect density differences throughout the epitaxially grown layers. Furthermore, coupled mode theory model shows that the strength of the optical bi-stability, in suspended and SiCOI resonators can be engineered for high power or nonlinear applications.

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University of Sydney (Research Training Program Scholarship, Sydney Research Accelerator Fellowship); Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We thank Dr L. Nguyen for discussions on device characterization. This work was carried out at the Harvard Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS), a member of the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI), and the University of Sydney. J. W. and D. M. acknowledge the support of Research Training Program Scholarships from the University of Sydney. N. S. acknowledges the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the AQT Intelligent Quantum Networks and Technologies (INQNET) research program, and NSF STC "Center for Integrated Quantum Materials" under Cooperative Agreement No. DMR-1231319. M. L. acknowledges support from the Airforce Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under grant FA9550-19-1-0376.

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August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023