Published November 1985 | public
Journal Article

A critical assessment of viscous models of trench topography and corner flow

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We obtain stresses for Newtonian viscous flow in simple geometries (e.g. corner flow, bending flow) in order to study the effect of imposed velocity boundary conditions. Stress for a delta function velocity boundary condition decays as 1/r²; for a step function velocity, stress goes as 1/r; for a discontinuity in curvature, the stress singularity is logarithmic. For corner flow, which has a discontinuity of velocity at a certain point, the corresponding stress has a 1/r singularity. However, for a more realistic circular-slab model, the stress singularity becomes logarithmic. Thus the stress distribution is very sensitive to the boundary conditions, and in evaluating the applicability of viscous models of trench topography it is essential to use realistic geometries. Topography and seismicity data from northern Honshu, Japan, were used to construct a finite element model, with flow assumed constant speed and tangent to the top of the grid, for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow (power law 3 rheology). Normal stresses at the top of the grid are compared to the observed trench topography. There is poor agreement. Purely viscous models of subducting slabs with simple, geometrically consistent velocity boundary conditions do not predict normal stress patterns compatible with observed topography. Elasticity and plasticity appear to be important in determining trench topography.

Additional Information

We thank Keith Echelmeyer, Luciana Astiz, Ronan LeBras, Patricia F. Scott, and Robert Svendsen for helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by NASA grant NSG-7610 and an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship (BHH). Contribution No. 4120, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.

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August 22, 2023
October 24, 2023