Published March 2022 | Published + Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

Model and Predictive Uncertainty: A Foundation for Smooth Ambiguity Preferences

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Smooth ambiguity preferences (Klibanoff, Marinacci, and Mukerji (2005)) describe a decision maker who evaluates each act f according to the twofold expectation, V(f) = ∫_p Φ(∫_Ω u(f)dp)dµ(p), defined by a utility function u, an ambiguity index ϕ, and a belief μ over a set of probabilities. We provide an axiomatic foundation for the representation, taking as a primitive a preference over Anscombe–Aumann acts. We study a special case where P is a subjective statistical model that is point identified, that is, the decision maker believes that the true law p ϵ P can be recovered empirically. Our main axiom is a joint weakening of Savage's sure-thing principle and Anscombe–Aumann's mixture independence. In addition, we show that the parameters of the representation can be uniquely recovered from preferences, thereby making operational the separation between ambiguity attitude and perception, a hallmark feature of the smooth ambiguity representation.

Additional Information

© 2022 The Econometric Society. Issue Online: 24 March 2022; Version of Record online: 24 March 2022; Manuscript accepted: 29 September 2021; Manuscript revised: 27 September 2021; Manuscript received: 14 January 2020. We are grateful to the referees for their comments and suggestions. We also thank Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Federico Echenique, Massimo Marinacci, Francesca Molinari, Kota Saito, Kyoungwon Seo, Jörg Stoye, and, especially, Fabio Maccheroni. We would like to thank Università Bocconi for its hospitality.

Attached Files

Published - Econometrica_-_2022_-_Denti_-_Model_and_Predictive_Uncertainty__A_Foundation_for_Smooth_Ambiguity_Preferences.pdf

Supplemental Material - ecta200393-sup-0001-onlineappendix.pdf



Additional details

August 22, 2023
October 24, 2023