Published February 25, 2022 | Published + Supplemental Material + Accepted Version
Journal Article Open

Joint Determination of Reactor Antineutrino Spectra from ²³⁵U and ²³⁹Pu Fission by Daya Bay and PROSPECT

An, F.  P.
Andriamirado, M.
Balantekin, A. B.
Band, H. R.
Bass, C. D.
Bergeron, D. E.
Berish, D.
Bishai, M.
Blyth, S.
Bowden, N. S.
Bryan, C. D.
Cao, G. F.
Cao, J.
Chang, J. F.
Chang, Y.
Chen, H. S.
Chen, S. M.
Chen, Y.
Chen, Y. X.
Cheng, J.
Cheng, Z. K.
Cherwinka, J. J.
Chu, M. C.
Classen, T.
Conant, A. J.
Cummings, J. P.
Dalager, O.
Deichert, G.
Delgado, A.
Deng, F. S.
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Diwan, M. V.
Dohnal, T.
Dolinski, M. J.
Dolzhikov, D.
Dove, J.
Dvořák, M.
Dwyer, D. A.
Erickson, A.
Foust, B. T.
Gaison, J. K. ORCID icon
Galindo-Uribarri, A.
Gallo, J. P.
Gilbert, C. E.
Gonchar, M.
Gong, G. H.
Gong, H.
Grassi, M.
Gu, W. Q.
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Guo, X. H.
Guo, Y. H.
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Hackenburg, R. W.
Hans, S.
Hansell, A. B.
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Heeger, K. M.
Heffron, B.
Heng, Y. K.
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Huber, P.
Koblanski, J.
Jaffe, D. E.
Jayakumar, S.
Jen, K. L.
Ji, X. L.
Ji, X. P.
Johnson, R. A.
Jones, D. C.
Kang, L.
Kettell, S. H.
Kohn, S.
Kramer, M.
Kyzylova, O.
Lane, C. E.
Langford, T. J.
LaRosa, J.
Lee, J.
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Lei, R. T.
Leitner, R.
Leung, J. K. C.
Li, F.
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Link, J. M.
Littenberg, L.
Littlejohn, B. R.
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Mandujano, R. C.
Maricic, J.
Marshall, C.
McDonald, K. T.
McKeown, R. D.
Mendenhall, M. P.
Meng, Y.
Meyer, A. M.
Milincic, R.
Mueller, P. E.
Mumm, H. P.
Napolitano, J.
Naumov, D.
Naumova, E.
Neilson, R.
Nguyen, T. M. T.
Nikkel, J. A.
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Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P. ORCID icon
Olshevskiy, A.
Palomino, J. L.
Pan, H.-R.
Park, J.
Patton, S.
Peng, J. C.
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Pushin, D. A.
Qi, F. Z.
Qi, M.
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Raper, N.
Ren, J.
Morales Reveco, C.
Rosero, R.
Roskovec, B.
Ruan, X. C.
Searles, M.
Steiner, H.
Sun, J. L.
Surukuchi, P. T.
Tmej, T.
Treskov, K.
Tse, W.-H.
Tull, C. E.
Tyra, M. A.
Varner, R. L.
Venegas-Vargas, D.
Viren, B.
Vorobel, V.
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Wang, J.
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Weatherly, P. B.
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Whisnant, K.
White, C.
Wilhelmi, J.
Wong, H. L. H.
Woolverton, A.
Worcester, E.
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Xia, D. M.
Xie, Z. Q.
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Yang, C. G.
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Daya Bay Collaboration
PROSPECT Collaboration
An error occurred while generating the citation.


A joint determination of the reactor antineutrino spectra resulting from the fission of ²³⁵U and ²³⁹Pu has been carried out by the Daya Bay and PROSPECT Collaborations. This Letter reports the level of consistency of ²³⁵U spectrum measurements from the two experiments and presents new results from a joint analysis of both data sets. The measurements are found to be consistent. The combined analysis reduces the degeneracy between the dominant ²³⁵U and ²³⁹Pu isotopes and improves the uncertainty of the ²³⁵U spectral shape to about 3%. The ²³⁵U and ²³⁹Pu antineutrino energy spectra are unfolded from the jointly deconvolved reactor spectra using the Wiener-SVD unfolding method, providing a data-based reference for other reactor antineutrino experiments and other applications. This is the first measurement of the ²³⁵U and ²³⁹Pu spectra based on the combination of experiments at low- and highly enriched uranium reactors.

Additional Information

© 2022 American Physical Society. Received 24 June 2021; revised 17 August 2021; accepted 26 October 2021; published 22 February 2022. The Daya Bay experiment is supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Guangdong provincial government, the Shenzhen municipal government, the China General Nuclear Power Group, the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic, the Charles University Research Centre (UNCE), the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research of Chile, We acknowledge Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., and China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co., Ltd., for building the underground laboratory. We are grateful for the ongoing cooperation from the China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group and China Light & Power Company. The PROSPECT experiment is supported by the following sources: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics under Awards No. DE-SC0016357 and No. DE-SC0017660 to Yale University, under Award No. DE-SC0017815 to Drexel University, University of Hawaii DOE Grant No. DE-SC0010504, under Award No. DE-SC0008347 to Illinois Institute of Technology, under Award No. DE-SC0016060 to Temple University, under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 to Brookhaven National Laboratory, and under Work Proposal No. SCW1504 to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344 and by Oak Ridge National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. Additional funding for the experiment was provided by the Heising-Simons Foundation under Grant No. 2016-117 to Yale University. J. K. G. is supported through the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program and A. C. performed work with support from the Nuclear Nonproliferation International Safeguards Fellowship Program sponsored by the National Nuclear Security Administrations Office of International Nuclear Safeguards (NA-241). This work was also supported by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery program under Grant No. RGPIN-418579, and Province of Ontario. We further acknowledge support from Yale University, the Illinois Institute of Technology, Temple University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LDRD program, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We gratefully acknowledge the support and hospitality of the High Flux Isotope Reactor and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Attached Files

Published - PhysRevLett.128.081801.pdf

Accepted Version - 2106.12251.pdf

Supplemental Material - DayaBay_PROSPECT_JointUnfold_Isotope_Covariance_Full.txt

Supplemental Material - DayaBay_PROSPECT_JointUnfold_Pu239_Covariance.txt

Supplemental Material - DayaBay_PROSPECT_JointUnfold_Pu239_Smearing_Matrix.txt

Supplemental Material - DayaBay_PROSPECT_JointUnfold_Pu239_Spectrum.txt

Supplemental Material - DayaBay_PROSPECT_JointUnfold_U235_Covariance.txt

Supplemental Material - DayaBay_PROSPECT_JointUnfold_U235_Smearing_Matrix.txt

Supplemental Material - DayaBay_PROSPECT_JointUnfold_U235_Spectrum.txt


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August 22, 2023
October 24, 2023