Published December 2021 | Submitted + Published
Journal Article Open

Simulating a measurement-induced phase transition for trapped-ion circuits

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The rise of programmable quantum devices has motivated the exploration of circuit models which could realize novel physics. A promising candidate is a class of hybrid circuits, where entangling unitary dynamics compete with disentangling measurements. Novel phase transitions between different entanglement regimes have been identified in their dynamical states, with universal properties hinting at unexplored critical phenomena. Trapped-ion hardware is a leading contender for the experimental realization of such physics, which requires not only traditional two-qubit entangling gates, but also a constant rate of local measurements accurately addressed throughout the circuit. Recent progress in engineering high-precision optical addressing of individual ions makes preparing a constant rate of measurements throughout a unitary circuit feasible. Using tensor network simulations, we show that the resulting class of hybrid circuits, prepared with native gates, exhibits a volume-law to area-law transition in the entanglement entropy. This displays universal hallmarks of a measurement-induced phase transition. Our simulations are able to characterize the critical exponents using circuit sizes with tens of qubits and thousands of gates. We argue that this transition should be robust against additional sources of experimental noise expected in modern trapped-ion hardware and will rather be limited by statistical requirements on postselection. Our work highlights the powerful role that tensor network simulations can play in advancing the theoretical and experimental frontiers of critical phenomena.

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© 2021 American Physical Society. (Received 11 June 2021; accepted 23 November 2021; published 3 December 2021) We thank T. Hsieh, C.-Y. Shih, A. Vogliano, D. McLaren, C. Senko, R. Luo, M. P. A. Fisher, M. Stoudenmire, J. Iaconis, Z. Bandic, P. Bridger, and C. Noel for critically important discussions. The calculations in this work were enabled in part by support provided by SHARCNET and Compute Canada. We acknowledge financial support from Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) through the Tranformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) program, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada's Discovery program, and Institute for Quantum Computing. R.M. is also supported by a Canada Research Chair. R.I. is also supported by an Early Research Award from the Government of Ontario, and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). Research at Perimeter Institute is supported in part by the Government of Canada through the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade.

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