Published August 2021 | Published + Accepted Version
Journal Article Open

TKS X: Confirmation of TOI-1444b and a Comparative Analysis of the Ultra-short-period Planets with Hot Neptunes

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We report the discovery of TOI-1444b, a 1.4 R_⊕ super-Earth on a 0.47 day orbit around a Sun-like star discovered by TESS. Precise radial velocities from Keck/HIRES confirmed the planet and constrained the mass to be 3.87 ± 0.71M_⊕. The RV data set also indicates a possible nontransiting, 16 day planet (11.8 ± 2.9M_⊕). We report a tentative detection of phase-curve variation and a secondary eclipse of TOI-1444b in the TESS bandpass. TOI-1444b joins the growing sample of 17 ultra-short-period planets (USPs) with well-measured masses and sizes, most of which are compatible with an Earth-like composition. We take this opportunity to examine the expanding sample of ultra-short-period planets (<2R_⊕) and contrast them with the newly discovered sub-day ultrahot Neptunes (>3R_⊕, >2000F_⊕ TOI-849 b, LTT9779 b, and K2-100). We find that (1) USPs have predominately Earth-like compositions with inferred iron core mass fractions of 0.32 ± 0.04 and have masses below the threshold of runaway accretion (~10M_⊕), while ultrahot Neptunes are above the threshold and have H/He or other volatile envelopes. (2) USPs are almost always found in multi-planet systems consistent with a secular interaction formation scenario; ultrahot Neptunes (P_(orb) ≾1 day) tend to be "lonely," similar to longer-period hot Neptunes (P_(orb) 1–10 days) and hot Jupiters. (3) USPs occur around solar-metallicity stars while hot Neptunes prefer higher metallicity hosts. (4) In all these respects, ultrahot Neptunes show more resemblance to hot Jupiters than the smaller USP planets, although ultrahot Neptunes are rarer than both USPs and hot Jupiters by 1–2 orders of magnitude.

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© 2021. The American Astronomical Society. Received 2021 April 12; revised 2021 May 13; accepted 2021 May 17; published 2021 July 16. We thank Heather Knutson, Yayaati Chachan, and Shreyas Vissapragada for insightful discussions. We thank the time assignment committees of the University of California, the California Institute of Technology, NASA, and the University of Hawaii for supporting the TESS-Keck Survey with observing time at Keck Observatory and on the Automated Planet Finder. We thank NASA for funding associated with our Key Strategic Mission Support project. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts and dedication of the Keck Observatory staff for support of HIRES and remote observing. We recognize and acknowledge the cultural role and reverence that the summit of Maunakea has within the indigenous Hawaiian community. We are deeply grateful to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain. We thank Ken and Gloria Levy, who supported the construction of the Levy Spectrometer on the Automated Planet Finder. We thank the University of California and Google for supporting Lick Observatory and the UCO staff for their dedicated work scheduling and operating the telescopes of Lick Observatory. This paper is based on data collected by the TESS mission. Funding for the TESS mission is provided by the NASA Explorer Program. This work makes use of observations from the LCOGT network. LCOGT telescope time was granted by NOIRLab through the Mid-Scale Innovations Program (MSIP). MSIP is funded by NSF. Part of this work has been carried out within the framework of the National Centre of Competence in Research Planets supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. E.C.M. acknowledges financial support from the SNSF. Based on observations obtained at the international Gemini Observatory, a program of NSF's NOIRLab, which is managed by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation on behalf of the Gemini Observatory partnership: the National Science Foundation (United States), National Research Council (Canada), Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (Chile), Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Argentina), Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações (Brazil), and Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (Republic of Korea). J.M.A.M. is supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under grant No. DGE-1842400. J.M.A.M. acknowledges the LSSTC Data Science Fellowship Program, which is funded by LSSTC, NSF Cybertraining grant No. 1829740, the Brinson Foundation, and the Moore Foundation; his participation in the program has benefited this work. D.H. acknowledges support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NSSC19K0379), and the National Science Foundation (AST-1717000). Resources supporting this work were provided by the NASA High-End Computing (HEC) Program through the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research Center for the production of the SPOC data products. We acknowledge the use of public TESS Alert data from pipelines at the TESS Science Office and at the TESS Science Processing Operations Center. J.N.W. thanks the Heising-Simons foundation for support. D.D. acknowledges support from the TESS Guest Investigator Program grant 80NSSC19K1727 and NASA Exoplanet Research Program grant 18-2XRP18_2-0136. L.M.W. is supported by the Beatrice Watson Parrent Fellowship and NASA ADAP grant 80NSSC19K0597. Software: AstroImage (Collins et al. 2017), Isoclassify (Huber et al. 2017), MIST (Choi et al. 2016), SpecMatch-Syn (Petigura 2015), Batman (Kreidberg 2015), emcee (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013), RVSearch, RadVel (Fulton et al. 2018).

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August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023