Published July 12, 2021 | Submitted + Supplemental Material
Discussion Paper Open

3D Computer Vision Models Predict DFT-Level HOMO-LUMO Gap Energies from Force-Field-Optimized Geometries

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We investigate 3D deep learning methods for predicting quantum mechanical energies at high-theory-level accuracy from inexpensive, rapidly computed molecular geometries. Using space-filled volumetric representations (voxels), we explore the effects of radial decay from atom centers and rotational data augmentation on learnability. We test several published computer vision models for 3D shape learning, and construct our own architecture based on 3D inception networks with physically meaningful kernels. We provide a framework for further studies and propose a modeling challenge for the computer vision and molecular machine learning communities.

Additional Information

The content is available under CC BY NC ND 4.0 License. Fellowship support was provided by the NSF (M.R.M., Grant No. DGE-1144469). S.E.R. is a Heritage Medical Research Investigator. Financial support from the Research Corporation Cottrell Scholars Program is acknowledged. The author(s) have declared they have no conflict of interest with regard to this content. The author(s) have declared ethics committee/IRB approval is not relevant to this content.

Attached Files

Submitted - 3d-computer-vision-models-predict-dft-level-homo-lumo-gap-energies-from-force-field-optimized-geometries.pdf

Supplemental Material - supplementary-information.pdf



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August 22, 2023
February 1, 2025