Measurement of the Higgs boson production rate in association with top quarks in final states with electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying tau leptons at √s = 13 TeV
- Creators
- Sirunyan, A. M.
- Tumasyan, A.
Adam, W.
- Bergauer, T.
Dragicevic, M.
- Erö, J.
Escalante Del Valle, A.
- Frühwirth, R.
- Jeitler, M.
- Krammer, N.
- Lechner, L.
- Liko, D.
- Mikulec, I.
- Pitters, F. M.
- Rad, N.
- Schieck, J.
Schöfbeck, R.
- Spanring, M.
- Templ, S.
Waltenberger, W.
- Wulz, C.-E.
- Zarucki, M.
- Chekhovsky, V.
- Litomin, A.
Makarenko, V.
- Suarez Gonzalez, J.
- Darwish, M. R.
- De Wolf, E. A.
- Croce, D. Di
Janssen, X.
- Kello, T.
- Lelek, A.
- Pieters, M.
- Rejeb Sfar, H.
- Van Haevermaet, H.
- Van Mechelen, P.
- Van Putte, S.
Van Remortel, N.
Blekman, F.
Bols, E. S.
Chhibra, S. S.
D'Hondt, J.
De Clercq, J.
- Lontkovskyi, D.
Lowette, S.
- Marchesini, I.
Moortgat, S.
Morton, A.
- Müller, D.
Python, Q.
- Tavernier, S.
- Van Doninck, W.
- Van Mulders, P.
- Beghin, D.
Bilin, B.
Clerbaux, B.
- De Lentdecker, G.
- Dorney, B.
Favart, L.
- Grebenyuk, A.
Kalsi, A. K.
Makarenko, I.
- Moureaux, L.
- Pétré, L.
Popov, A.
- Postiau, N.
Starling, E.
Thomas, L.
Vander Velde, C.
Vanlaer, P.
- Vannerom, D.
- Wezenbeek, L.
Cornelis, T.
- Dobur, D.
- Gruchala, M.
- Khvastunov, I.
- Niedziela, M.
- Roskas, C.
Skovpen, K.
Tytgat, M.
- Verbeke, W.
- Vermassen, B.
- Vit, M.
- Bruno, G.
- Bury, F.
Caputo, C.
David, P.
Delaere, C.
- Delcourt, M.
- Donertas, I. S.
- Faham, H. El
Giammanco, A.
- Lemaitre, V.
- Mondal, K.
- Prisciandaro, J.
- Taliercio, A.
- Teklishyn, M.
Vischia, P.
Wertz, S.
- Wuyckens, S.
Alves, G. A.
- Hensel, C.
Moraes, A.
Aldá Júnior, W. L.
- Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E.
- Brandao Malbouisson, H.
Carvalho, W.
- Chinellato, J.
- Coelho, E.
Da Costa, E. M.
- Da Silveira, G. G.
De Jesus Damiao, D.
Fonseca De Souza, S.
- Martins, J.
- Matos Figueiredo, D.
- Medina Jaime, M.
Mora Herrera, C.
Mundim, L.
- Nogima, H.
Rebello Teles, P.
- Sanchez Rosas, L. J.
- Santoro, A.
Silva Do Amaral, S. M.
Sznajder, A.
- Thiel, M.
- Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F.
Vilela Pereira, A.
Bernardes, C. A.
Calligaris, L.
Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R.
Gregores, E. M.
Lemos, D. S.
Mercadante, P. G.
Novaes, S. F.
Padula, Sandra S.
- Aleksandrov, A.
- Antchev, G.
- Atanasov, I.
- Hadjiiska, R.
- Iaydjiev, P.
- Misheva, M.
- Rodozov, M.
- Shopova, M.
- Sultanov, G.
- Dimitrov, A.
- Ivanov, T.
Litov, L.
- Pavlov, B.
- Petkov, P.
- Petrov, A.
- Cheng, T.
- Fang, W.
- Guo, Q.
- Wang, H.
- Yuan, L.
- Ahmad, M.
- Bauer, G.
Hu, Z.
- Wang, Y.
- Yi, K.
Chapon, E.
- Chen, G. M.
- Chen, H. S.
Chen, M.
- Javaid, T.
Kapoor, A.
- Leggat, D.
- Li, B.
- Liao, H.
- LIU, Z.-A.
Sharma, R.
- Spiezia, A.
Tao, J.
- Thomas-wilsker, J.
- Wang, J.
- Zhang, H.
- Zhang, S.
Zhao, J.
- Agapitos, A.
- Ban, Y.
- Chen, C.
- Huang, Q.
Levin, A.
Li, Q.
- Lu, M.
- Lyu, X.
- Mao, Y.
- Qian, S. J.
Wang, D.
Wang, Q.
- Xiao, J.
You, Z.
- Gao, X.
Xiao, M.
Avila, C.
- Cabrera, A.
Florez, C.
- Fraga, J.
- Sarkar, A.
- Segura Delgado, M. A.
- Jaramillo, J.
- Mejia Guisao, J.
- Ramirez, F.
Ruiz Alvarez, J. D.
- Salazar González, C. A.
- Vanegas Arbelaez, N.
- Giljanovic, D.
Godinovic, N.
- Lelas, D.
Puljak, I.
- Antunovic, Z.
- Kovac, M.
- Sculac, T.
Brigljevic, V.
Ferencek, D.
Majumder, D.
- Roguljic, M.
- Starodumov, A.
Susa, T.
- Ather, M. W.
- Attikis, A.
- Erodotou, E.
- Ioannou, A.
Kole, G.
- Kolosova, M.
- Konstantinou, S.
Mousa, J.
- Nicolaou, C.
Ptochos, F.
- Razis, P. A.
- Rykaczewski, H.
Saka, H.
- Tsiakkouri, D.
- Finger, M.
- Finger, M.
- Kveton, A.
- Tomsa, J.
- Ayala, E.
Carrera Jarrin, E.
- Abdalla, H.
- Assran, Y.
- Khalil, S.
Mahmoud, M. A.
- Mohammed, Y.
Bhowmik, S.
Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A.
Dewanjee, R. K.
- Ehataht, K.
- Kadastik, M.
Raidal, M.
- Veelken, C.
Eerola, P.
Forthomme, L.
Kirschenmann, H.
- Osterberg, K.
Voutilainen, M.
- Brücken, E.
- Garcia, F.
- Havukainen, J.
- Karimäki, V.
- Kim, M. S.
- Kinnunen, R.
- Lampén, T.
- Lassila-Perini, K.
- Lehti, S.
- Lindén, T.
- Siikonen, H.
Tuominen, E.
- Tuominiemi, J.
Luukka, P.
- Tuuva, T.
Amendola, C.
- Besancon, M.
Couderc, F.
- Dejardin, M.
- Denegri, D.
- Faure, J. L.
Ferri, F.
- Ganjour, S.
- Givernaud, A.
- Gras, P.
Hamel de Monchenault, G.
- Jarry, P.
- Lenzi, B.
- Locci, E.
- Malcles, J.
- Rander, J.
- Rosowsky, A.
Sahin, M. Ö.
- Savoy-Navarro, A.
Titov, M.
Yu, G. B.
Ahuja, S.
Beaudette, F.
- Bonanomi, M.
- Buchot Perraguin, A.
- Busson, P.
- Charlot, C.
- Davignon, O.
- Diab, B.
- Falmagne, G.
Granier de Cassagnac, R.
- Hakimi, A.
Kucher, I.
Lobanov, A.
- Martin Perez, C.
Nguyen, M.
- Ochando, C.
Paganini, P.
- Rembser, J.
Salerno, R.
Sauvan, J. B.
Sirois, Y.
- Zabi, A.
Zghiche, A.
- Agram, J.-L.
- Andrea, J.
Bloch, D.
- Bourgatte, G.
- Brom, J.-M.
- Chabert, E. C.
Collard, C.
- Fontaine, J.-C.
- Gelé, D.
- Goerlach, U.
- Grimault, C.
- Le Bihan, A.-C.
- Van Hove, P.
Asilar, E.
Beauceron, S.
- Bernet, C.
- Boudoul, G.
- Camen, C.
- Carle, A.
Chanon, N.
- Contardo, D.
Depasse, P.
- El Mamouni, H.
- Fay, J.
- Gascon, S.
- Gouzevitch, M.
- Ille, B.
Jain, Sa.
- Laktineh, I. B.
- Lattaud, H.
- Lesauvage, A.
Lethuillier, M.
- Mirabito, L.
- Torterotot, L.
- Touquet, G.
- Vander Donckt, M.
- Viret, S.
- Khvedelidze, A.
- Tsamalaidze, Z.
Feld, L.
- Klein, K.
- Lipinski, M.
- Meuser, D.
- Pauls, A.
- Preuten, M.
- Rauch, M. P.
- Schulz, J.
Teroerde, M.
- Eliseev, D.
Erdmann, M.
- Fackeldey, P.
- Fischer, B.
Ghosh, S.
Hebbeker, T.
- Hoepfner, K.
- Keller, H.
- Mastrolorenzo, L.
Merschmeyer, M.
- Meyer, A.
- Mocellin, G.
- Mondal, S.
Mukherjee, S.
- Noll, D.
- Novak, A.
Pook, T.
Pozdnyakov, A.
- Rath, Y.
- Reithler, H.
- Roemer, J.
Schmidt, A.
- Schuler, S. C.
- Sharma, A.
- Wiedenbeck, S.
- Zaleski, S.
- Dziwok, C.
- Flügge, G.
Haj Ahmad, W.
- Hlushchenko, O.
- Kress, T.
Nowack, A.
- Pistone, C.
- Pooth, O.
- Roy, D.
- Sert, H.
- Stahl, A.
- Ziemons, T.
- Aarup Petersen, H.
- Aldaya Martin, M.
- Asmuss, P.
Babounikau, I.
- Baxter, S.
- Behnke, O.
- Bermúdez Martínez, A.
Bin Anuar, A. A.
- Borras, K.
- Botta, V.
- Brunner, D.
- Campbell, A.
- Cardini, A.
- Connor, P.
Consuegra Rodríguez, S.
- Danilov, V.
De Wit, A.
- Defranchis, M. M.
- Didukh, L.
- Domínguez Damiani, D.
- Eckerlin, G.
- Eckstein, D.
- Eichhorn, T.
- Estevez Banos, L. I.
- Gallo, E.
- Geiser, A.
- Giraldi, A.
Grohsjean, A.
- Guthoff, M.
Harb, A.
- Jafari, A.
Jomhari, N. Z.
- Jung, H.
- Kasem, A.
Kasemann, M.
- Kaveh, H.
Kleinwort, C.
Knolle, J.
- Krücker, D.
- Lange, W.
- Lenz, T.
- Lidrych, J.
- Lipka, K.
- Lohmann, W.
- Madlener, T.
- Mankel, R.
- Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A.
- Metwally, J.
- Meyer, A. B.
- Meyer, M.
Missiroli, M.
Mnich, J.
- Mussgiller, A.
Myronenko, V.
- Otarid, Y.
- Pérez Adán, D.
- Pflitsch, S. K.
- Pitzl, D.
- Raspereza, A.
- Saggio, A.
- Saibel, A.
- Savitskyi, M.
- Scheurer, V.
Schwanenberger, C.
- Singh, A.
Sosa Ricardo, R. E.
Tonon, N.
Turkot, O.
- Vagnerini, A.
- Van De Klundert, M.
- Walsh, R.
- Walter, D.
Wen, Y.
- Wichmann, K.
- Wissing, C.
- Wuchterl, S.
Zenaiev, O.
Zlebcik, R.
- Aggleton, R.
- Bein, S.
Benato, L.
- Benecke, A.
- De Leo, K.
- Dreyer, T.
Ebrahimi, A.
- Eich, M.
- Feindt, F.
- Fröhlich, A.
Garbers, C.
Garutti, E.
- Gunnellini, P.
Haller, J.
Hinzmann, A.
- Karavdina, A.
- Kasieczka, G.
Klanner, R.
- Kogler, R.
- Kutzner, V.
Lange, J.
- Lange, T.
- Malara, A.
- Niemeyer, C. E. N.
- Nigamova, A.
- Pena Rodriguez, K. J.
- Rieger, O.
- Schleper, P.
- Schumann, S.
Schwandt, J.
- Schwarz, D.
- Sonneveld, J.
- Stadie, H.
- Steinbrück, G.
Vormwald, B.
- Zoi, I.
- Bechtel, J.
- Berger, T.
Butz, E.
- Caspart, R.
- Chwalek, T.
- De Boer, W.
- Dierlamm, A.
- Droll, A.
- El Morabit, K.
Faltermann, N.
- Flöh, K.
- Giffels, M.
- Gottmann, A.
- Hartmann, F.
- Heidecker, C.
Husemann, U.
- Katkov, I.
- Keicher, P.
- Koppenhöfer, R.
- Maier, S.
- Metzler, M.
Mitra, S.
- Müller, Th.
- Musich, M.
Quast, G.
Rabbertz, K.
- Rauser, J.
- Savoiu, D.
- Schäfer, D.
- Schnepf, M.
Schröder, M.
- Seith, D.
- Shvetsov, I.
- Simonis, H. J.
Ulrich, R.
- Wassmer, M.
- Weber, M.
- Wolf, R.
- Wozniewski, S.
- Anagnostou, G.
- Asenov, P.
- Daskalakis, G.
- Geralis, T.
- Kyriakis, A.
- Loukas, D.
- Paspalaki, G.
- Stakia, A.
- Diamantopoulou, M.
- Karasavvas, D.
- Karathanasis, G.
- Kontaxakis, P.
- Koraka, C. K.
- Manousakis-katsikakis, A.
- Panagiotou, A.
- Papavergou, I.
- Saoulidou, N.
- Theofilatos, K.
- Tziaferi, E.
- Vellidis, K.
- Vourliotis, E.
- Bakas, G.
Kousouris, K.
- Papakrivopoulos, I.
- Tsipolitis, G.
- Zacharopoulou, A.
- Evangelou, I.
- Foudas, C.
- Gianneios, P.
- Katsoulis, P.
- Kokkas, P.
- Manitara, K.
- Manthos, N.
- Papadopoulos, I.
Strologas, J.
- Bartók, M.
Csanad, M.
- Gadallah, M. M. A.
- Lökös, S.
- Major, P.
- Mandal, K.
Mehta, A.
Pasztor, G.
- Surányi, O.
Veres, G. I.
- Bencze, G.
Hajdu, C.
- Horvath, D.
Sikler, F.
- Veszpremi, V.
- Vesztergombi, G.
- Czellar, S.
- Karancsi, J.
- Molnar, J.
- Szillasi, Z.
- Teyssier, D.
- Raics, P.
Trocsanyi, Z. L.
- Zilizi, G.
- Csorgo, T.
- Nemes, F.
- Novak, T.
- Choudhury, S.
Komaragiri, J. R.
- Kumar, D.
- Panwar, L.
- Tiwari, P. C.
- Bahinipati, S.
Dash, D.
- Kar, C.
- Mal, P.
- Mishra, T.
- Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, V. K.
- Nayak, A.
- Sahoo, D. K.
Sur, N.
- Swain, S. K.
Bansal, S.
- Beri, S. B.
- Bhatnagar, V.
- Chaudhary, G.
- Chauhan, S.
- Dhingra, N.
- Gupta, R.
- Kaur, A.
- Kaur, S.
- Kumari, P.
- Meena, M.
- Sandeep, K.
- Sharma, S.
- Singh, J. B.
- Virdi, A. K.
- Ahmed, A.
- Bhardwaj, A.
Choudhary, B. C.
- Garg, R. B.
- Gola, M.
Keshri, S.
- Kumar, A.
Naimuddin, M.
- Priyanka, P.
- Ranjan, K.
Shah, A.
- Bharti, M.
- Bhattacharya, R.
Bhattacharya, S.
- Bhowmik, D.
- Dutta, S.
- Ghosh, S.
- Gomber, B.
- Maity, M.
- Nandan, S.
- Palit, P.
- Rout, P. K.
- Saha, G.
- Sahu, B.
- Sarkar, S.
- Sharan, M.
- Singh, B.
- Thakur, S.
Behera, P. K.
- Behera, S. C.
- Kalbhor, P.
- Muhammad, A.
- Pradhan, R.
- Pujahari, P. R.
- Sharma, A.
- Sikdar, A. K.
- Dutta, D.
- Kumar, V.
- Naskar, K.
- Netrakanti, P. K.
- Pant, L. M.
Shukla, P.
- Aziz, T.
- Bhat, M. A.
- Dugad, S.
- Kumar Verma, R.
Mohanty, G. B.
- Sarkar, U.
- Banerjee, S.
- Bhattacharya, S.
- Chatterjee, S.
- Chudasama, R.
- Guchait, M.
- Karmakar, S.
- Kumar, S.
- Majumder, G.
- Mazumdar, K.
- Mukherjee, S.
- Roy, D.
Dube, S.
- Kansal, B.
- Maurya, M. K.
- Pandey, S.
- Rane, A.
- Rastogi, A.
Sharma, S.
- Bakhshiansohi, H.
- Zeinali, M.
- Chenarani, S.
- Etesami, S. M.
- Khakzad, M.
Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.
Felcini, M.
Grunewald, M.
Abbrescia, M.
- Aly, R.
- Aruta, C.
Colaleo, A.
Creanza, D.
De Filippis, N.
De Palma, M.
- Di Florio, A.
- Di Pilato, A.
Elmetenawee, W.
Fiore, L.
- Gelmi, A.
Gul, M.
Iaselli, G.
Ince, M.
Lezki, S.
Maggi, G.
Maggi, M.
- Margjeka, I.
- Mastrapasqua, V.
- Merlin, J. A.
My, S.
Nuzzo, S.
Pompili, A.
Pugliese, G.
Ranieri, A.
Selvaggi, G.
Silvestris, L.
- Simone, F. M.
Venditti, R.
Verwilligen, P.
Abbiendi, G.
Battilana, C.
Bonacorsi, D.
- Borgonovi, L.
Braibant-Giacomelli, S.
Campanini, R.
Capiluppi, P.
Castro, A.
Cavallo, F. R.
Ciocca, C.
Cuffiani, M.
Dallavalle, G. M.
- Diotalevi, T.
Fabbri, F.
Fanfani, A.
- Fontanesi, E.
Giacomelli, P.
- Giommi, L.
Grandi, C.
- Guiducci, L.
- Iemmi, F.
- Lo Meo, S.
Marcellini, S.
Masetti, G.
Navarria, F. L.
Perrotta, A.
Primavera, F.
Rossi, A. M.
Rovelli, T.
Siroli, G. P.
Tosi, N.
- Albergo, S.
Costa, S.
Di Mattia, A.
- Potenza, R.
- Tricomi, A.
Tuve, C.
Barbagli, G.
Cassese, A.
- Ceccarelli, R.
Ciulli, V.
Civinini, C.
D'Alessandro, R.
- Fiori, F.
Focardi, E.
Latino, G.
Lenzi, P.
- Lizzo, M.
Meschini, M.
Paoletti, S.
- Seidita, R.
Sguazzoni, G.
Viliani, L.
Benussi, L.
Bianco, S.
Piccolo, D.
Bozzo, M.
Ferro, F.
- Mulargia, R.
Robutti, E.
Tosi, S.
Benaglia, A.
- Beschi, A.
- Brivio, F.
- Cetorelli, F.
- Ciriolo, V.
De Guio, F.
Dinardo, M. E.
Dini, P.
Gennai, S.
Ghezzi, A.
Govoni, P.
- Guzzi, L.
- Malberti, M.
Malvezzi, S.
Massironi, A.
Menasce, D.
- Monti, F.
Moroni, L.
Paganoni, M.
Pedrini, D.
Ragazzi, S.
Tabarelli de Fatis, T.
- Valsecchi, D.
Zuolo, D.
Buontempo, S.
Cavallo, N.
- De Iorio, A.
Fabozzi, F.
- Fienga, F.
Iorio, A. O. M.
Lista, L.
- Meola, S.
- Paolucci, P.
Rossi, B.
Sciacca, C.
- Voevodina, E.
Azzi, P.
Bacchetta, N.
Bisello, D.
Bortignon, P.
- Bragagnolo, A.
Carlin, R.
Checchia, P.
- De Castro Manzano, P.
Dorigo, T.
Gasparini, F.
Gasparini, U.
Hoh, S. Y.
- Layer, L.
Margoni, M.
Meneguzzo, A. T.
- Presilla, M.
Ronchese, P.
- Rossin, R.
Simonetto, F.
- Strong, G.
Tosi, M.
Zanetti, M.
Zotto, P.
Zucchetta, A.
Zumerle, G.
- Aime', C.
Braghieri, A.
- Calzaferri, S.
- Fiorina, D.
- Montagna, P.
- Ratti, S. P.
Re, V.
- Ressegotti, M.
Riccardi, C.
Salvini, P.
Vai, I.
Vitulo, P.
Biasini, M.
Bilei, G. M.
Ciangottini, D.
Fanò, L.
- Lariccia, P.
- Mantovani, G.
- Mariani, V.
Menichelli, M.
Moscatelli, F.
- Piccinelli, A.
Rossi, A.
Santocchia, A.
Spiga, D.
- Tedeschi, T.
Androsov, K.
Azzurri, P.
Bagliesi, G.
- Bertacchi, V.
Bianchini, L.
Boccali, T.
Castaldi, R.
Ciocci, M. A.
Dell'Orso, R.
- Di Domenico, M. R.
Donato, S.
- Giannini, L.
Giassi, A.
Grippo, M. T.
Ligabue, F.
Manca, E.
- Mandorli, G.
Messineo, A.
Palla, F.
- Ramirez-Sanchez, G.
Rizzi, A.
Rolandi, G.
- Roy Chowdhury, S.
- Scribano, A.
- Shafiei, N.
Spagnolo, P.
Tenchini, R.
Tonelli, G.
- Turini, N.
Venturi, A.
Verdini, P. G.
Cavallari, F.
Cipriani, M.
Del Re, D.
Di Marco, E.
Diemoz, M.
Longo, E.
Meridiani, P.
Organtini, G.
- Pandolfi, F.
Paramatti, R.
- Quaranta, C.
Rahatlou, S.
Rovelli, C.
Santanastasio, F.
Soffi, L.
- Tramontano, R.
Amapane, N.
Arcidiacono, R.
Argiro, S.
Arneodo, M.
- Bartosik, N.
Bellan, R.
- Bellora, A.
- Berenguer Antequera, J.
Biino, C.
- Cappati, A.
Cartiglia, N.
Cometti, S.
Costa, M.
Covarelli, R.
Demaria, N.
- Kiani, B.
- Legger, F.
Mariotti, C.
Maselli, S.
Migliore, E.
Monaco, V.
Monteil, E.
Monteno, M.
Obertino, M. M.
Ortona, G.
Pacher, L.
Pastrone, N.
Pelliccioni, M.
- Pinna Angioni, G. L.
Ruspa, M.
- Salvatico, R.
- Siviero, F.
Sola, V.
- Solano, A.
Soldi, D.
Staiano, A.
- Tornago, M.
Trocino, D.
Belforte, S.
Candelise, V.
Casarsa, M.
Cossutti, F.
Da Rold, A.
Della Ricca, G.
Vazzoler, F.
Dogra, S.
- Huh, C.
- Kim, B.
- Kim, D. H.
Kim, G. N.
- Lee, J.
Lee, S. W.
Moon, C. S.
Oh, Y. D.
- Pak, S. I.
- Radburn-Smith, B. C.
Sekmen, S.
- Yang, Y. C.
- Kim, H.
Moon, D. H.
- Francois, B.
Kim, T. J.
- Park, J.
- Cho, S.
Choi, S.
- Go, Y.
- Ha, S.
Hong, B.
- Lee, K.
- Lee, K. S.
- Lim, J.
- Park, J.
- Park, S. K.
- Yoo, J.
Goh, J.
- Gurtu, A.
Kim, H. S.
- Kim, Y.
- Almond, J.
- Bhyun, J. H.
- Choi, J.
- Jeon, S.
- Kim, J.
- Kim, J. S.
- Ko, S.
- Kwon, H.
Lee, H.
- Lee, K.
- Lee, S.
- Nam, K.
- Oh, B. H.
- Oh, M.
- Oh, S. B.
- Seo, H.
- Yang, U. K.
Yoon, I.
- Jeon, D.
- Kim, J. H.
- Ko, B.
Lee, J. S. H.
- Park, I. C.
- Roh, Y.
- Song, D.
Watson, I. J.
- Yoo, H. D.
- Choi, Y.
- Hwang, C.
- Jeong, Y.
- Lee, H.
- Lee, Y.
- Yu, I.
- Veckalns, V.
Juodagalvis, A.
Rinkevicius, A.
- Tamulaitis, G.
- Vaitkevicius, A.
- Wan Abdullah, W. A. T.
- Yusli, M. N.
- Zolkapli, Z.
Benitez, J. F.
Castaneda Hernandez, A.
Murillo Quijada, J. A.
Valencia Palomo, L.
- Ayala, G.
- Castilla-Valdez, H.
De La Cruz-Burelo, E.
- Heredia-De La Cruz, I.
- Lopez-Fernandez, R.
- Mondragon Herrera, C. A.
- Perez Navarro, D. A.
Sanchez-Hernandez, A.
- Carrillo Moreno, S.
- Oropeza Barrera, C.
- Ramirez-Garcia, M.
- Vazquez Valencia, F.
- Eysermans, J.
- Pedraza, I.
- Salazar Ibarguen, H. A.
- Uribe Estrada, C.
Morelos Pineda, A.
- Mijuskovic, J.
- Raicevic, N.
Krofcheck, D.
- Bheesette, S.
Butler, P. H.
- Ahmad, A.
- Asghar, M. I.
- Awais, A.
- Awan, M. I. M.
- Hoorani, H. R.
- Khan, W. A.
- Shah, M. A.
Shoaib, M.
- Waqas, M.
- Avati, V.
- Grzanka, L.
- Malawski, M.
- Bialkowska, H.
Bluj, M.
- Boimska, B.
- Frueboes, T.
- Górski, M.
- Kazana, M.
- Szleper, M.
- Traczyk, P.
- Zalewski, P.
- Bunkowski, K.
- Doroba, K.
Kalinowski, A.
Konecki, M.
- Krolikowski, J.
- Walczak, M.
- Araujo, M.
Bargassa, P.
- Bastos, D.
Boletti, A.
Faccioli, P.
Gallinaro, M.
- Hollar, J.
Leonardo, N.
- Niknejad, T.
Seixas, J.
- Shchelina, K.
Toldaiev, O.
Varela, J.
- Afanasiev, S.
- Gavrilenko, M.
- Golunov, A.
- Golutvin, I.
- Gorbunov, I.
- Kamenev, A.
- Karjavine, V.
- Kashunin, I.
Korenkov, V.
- Lanev, A.
- Malakhov, A.
- Matveev, V.
- Mitsyn, V. V.
- Palichik, V.
- Perelygin, V.
- Savina, M.
- Shmatov, S.
- Shulha, S.
- Smirnov, V.
- Teryaev, O.
- Yuldashev, B. S.
- Zarubin, A.
- Gavrilov, G.
- Golovtcov, V.
- Ivanov, Y.
- Kim, V.
- Kuznetsova, E.
- Murzin, V.
- Oreshkin, V.
- Smirnov, I.
- Sosnov, D.
- Sulimov, V.
- Uvarov, L.
- Volkov, S.
- Vorobyev, A.
Andreev, Yu.
- Dermenev, A.
Gninenko, S.
- Golubev, N.
- Karneyeu, A.
- Kirsanov, M.
- Krasnikov, N.
- Pashenkov, A.
Pivovarov, G.
- Tlisov, D.
- Toropin, A.
- Epshteyn, V.
- Gavrilov, V.
- Lychkovskaya, N.
- Nikitenko, A.
- Popov, V.
- Safronov, G.
- Spiridonov, A.
- Stepennov, A.
- Toms, M.
Vlasov, E.
- Zhokin, A.
- Aushev, T.
- Bychkova, O.
- Chadeeva, M.
- Philippov, D.
- Popova, E.
- Rusinov, V.
- Andreev, V.
- Azarkin, M.
- Dremin, I.
- Kirakosyan, M.
- Terkulov, A.
- Belyaev, A.
Boos, E.
- Bunichev, V.
Dubinin, M.
Dudko, L.
Klyukhin, V.
- Kodolova, O.
- Korneeva, N.
Lokhtin, I.
- Obraztsov, S.
- Perfilov, M.
- Petrushanko, S.
- Savrin, V.
- Blinov, V.
- Dimova, T.
- Kardapoltsev, L.
- Ovtin, I.
- Skovpen, Y.
Azhgirey, I.
- Bayshev, I.
- Kachanov, V.
- Kalinin, A.
- Konstantinov, D.
- Petrov, V.
- Ryutin, R.
- Sobol, A.
Troshin, S.
- Tyurin, N.
- Uzunian, A.
- Volkov, A.
- Babaev, A.
- Iuzhakov, A.
- Okhotnikov, V.
- Sukhikh, L.
- Borchsh, V.
Ivanchenko, V.
- Tcherniaev, E.
- Adzic, P.
Cirkovic, P.
Dordevic, M.
- Milenovic, P.
Milosevic, J.
- Aguilar-Benitez, M.
Maestre, J. Alcaraz
- Fernández, A. Álvarez
- Bachiller, I.
- Luna, M. Barrio
Bedoya, Cristina F.
- Montoya, C. A. Carrillo
Cepeda, M.
- Cerrada, M.
Colino, N.
- De La Cruz, B.
Peris, A. Delgado
Ramos, J. P. Fernández
Flix, J.
- Fouz, M. C.
- Alonso, A. García
Lopez, O. Gonzalez
- Lopez, S. Goy
Hernandez, J. M.
- Josa, M. I.
- Holgado, J. León
- Moran, D.
- Tobar, Á. Navarro
Yzquierdo, A. Pérez-Calero
Pelayo, J. Puerta
Redondo, I.
- Romero, L.
- Navas, S. Sánchez
Soares, M. S.
Triossi, A.
- Gómez, L. Urda
- Willmott, C.
- Albajar, C.
- de Trocóniz, J. F.
- Reyes-Almanza, R.
- Gonzalez, B. Alvarez
Cuevas, J.
- Erice, C.
Menendez, J. Fernandez
Folgueras, S.
Caballero, I. Gonzalez
Cortezon, E. Palencia
- Álvarez, C. Ramón
- Sau, J. Ripoll
Bouza, V. Rodríguez
Cruz, S. Sanchez
- Rodríguez, A. Soto
- Trapote, A.
Cifuentes, J. A. Brochero
- Cabrillo, I. J.
Calderon, A.
- Quero, B. Chazin
Campderros, J. Duarte
Fernandez, M.
Manteca, P. J. Fernández
- Gomez, G.
- Rivero, C. Martinez
Arbol, P. Martinez Ruiz del
Matorras, F.
Gomez, J. Piedra
- Prieels, C.
Ricci-Tam, F.
Rodrigo, T.
Ruiz-Jimeno, A.
Scodellaro, L.
- Vila, I.
Garcia, J. M. Vizan
- Jayananda, MK
- Kailasapathy, B.
- Sonnadara, D. U. J.
- Wickramarathna, DDC
Dharmaratna, W. G. D.
- Liyanage, K.
- Perera, N.
- Wickramage, N.
- Aarrestad, T. K.
- Abbaneo, D.
- Auffray, E.
- Auzinger, G.
- Baechler, J.
- Baillon, P.
- Ball, A. H.
- Barney, D.
- Bendavid, J.
- Beni, N.
Bianco, M.
- Bocci, A.
- Bossini, E.
- Brondolin, E.
- Camporesi, T.
- Cerminara, G.
Cristella, L.
d'Enterria, D.
- Dabrowski, A.
- Daci, N.
- Daponte, V.
David, A.
De Roeck, A.
- Deile, M.
Maria, R. Di
- Dobson, M.
Dünser, M.
- Dupont, N.
- Elliott-Peisert, A.
- Emriskova, N.
- Fallavollita, F.
Fasanella, D.
Fiorendi, S.
Florent, A.
Franzoni, G.
Fulcher, J.
- Funk, W.
- Giani, S.
- Gigi, D.
- Gill, K.
- Glege, F.
- Gouskos, L.
- Guilbaud, M.
- Gulhan, D.
Haranko, M.
Hegeman, J.
Iiyama, Y.
- Innocente, V.
- James, T.
Janot, P.
- Kaspar, J.
Kieseler, J.
Komm, M.
- Kratochwil, N.
Lange, C.
- Laurila, S.
Lecoq, P.
- Long, K.
Lourenço, C.
Malgeri, L.
- Mallios, S.
- Mannelli, M.
- Meijers, F.
Mersi, S.
Meschi, E.
Moortgat, F.
Mulders, M.
- Orfanelli, S.
- Orsini, L.
- Pantaleo, F.
- Pape, L.
- Perez, E.
- Peruzzi, M.
- Petrilli, A.
Petrucciani, G.
Pfeiffer, A.
Pierini, M.
- Quast, T.
Rabady, D.
- Racz, A.
Rieger, M.
- Rovere, M.
- Sakulin, H.
Salfeld-Nebgen, J.
- Scarfi, S.
- Schäfer, C.
- Schwick, C.
- Selvaggi, M.
- Sharma, A.
Silva, P.
Snoeys, W.
- Sphicas, P.
- Summers, S.
Tavolaro, V. R.
- Treille, D.
- Tsirou, A.
Onsem, G. P. Van
Vartak, A.
- Verzetti, M.
- Wozniak, K. A.
- Zeuner, W. D.
- Caminada, L.
- Erdmann, W.
- Horisberger, R.
- Ingram, Q.
- Kaestli, H. C.
- Kotlinski, D.
- Langenegger, U.
- Rohe, T.
Backhaus, M.
- Berger, P.
- Calandri, A.
- Chernyavskaya, N.
- De Cosa, A.
Dissertori, G.
- Dittmar, M.
- Donegà, M.
- Dorfer, C.
- Gadek, T.
Espinosa, T. A. Gómez
Grab, C.
- Hits, D.
- Lustermann, W.
- Lyon, A. -M.
Manzoni, R. A.
- Meinhard, M. T.
- Micheli, F.
- Nessi-Tedaldi, F.
Niedziela, J.
- Pauss, F.
- Perovic, V.
- Perrin, G.
Pigazzini, S.
Ratti, M. G.
- Reichmann, M.
- Reissel, C.
- Reitenspiess, T.
- Ristic, B.
- Ruini, D.
- Becerra, D. A. Sanz
Schönenberger, M.
- Stampf, V.
- Steggemann, J.
- Olsson, M. L. Vesterbacka
Wallny, R.
- Zhu, D. H.
- Amsler, C.
Botta, C.
- Brzhechko, D.
Canelli, M. F.
- Burgo, R. Del
Heikkilä, J. K.
- Huwiler, M.
- Jofrehei, A.
Kilminster, B.
Leontsinis, S.
- Macchiolo, A.
- Meiring, P.
- Mikuni, V. M.
- Molinatti, U.
- Neutelings, I.
- Rauco, G.
- Reimers, A.
- Robmann, P.
Schweiger, K.
Takahashi, Y.
- Adloff, C.
- Kuo, C. M.
- Lin, W.
- Roy, A.
- Sarkar, T.
- Yu, S. S.
- Ceard, L.
Chang, P.
- Chao, Y.
- Chen, K. F.
- Chen, P. H.
Hou, W. -S.
- Li, Y. y.
- Lu, R. -S.
- Paganis, E.
- Psallidas, A.
- Steen, A.
Yazgan, E.
Asavapibhop, B.
- Asawatangtrakuldee, C.
- Srimanobhas, N.
- Boran, F.
- Damarseckin, S.
Demiroglu, Z. S.
- Dolek, F.
- Dozen, C.
- Dumanoglu, I.
- Eskut, E.
- Gokbulut, G.
- Guler, Y.
- Guler, E. Gurpinar
- Hos, I.
- Isik, C.
- Kangal, E. E.
- Kara, O.
- Topaksu, A. Kayis
Kiminsu, U.
- Onengut, G.
- Ozdemir, K.
- Polatoz, A.
- Simsek, A. E.
- Tali, B.
- Tok, U. G.
- Turkcapar, S.
Zorbakir, I. S.
- Zorbilmez, C.
- Isildak, B.
- Karapinar, G.
- Ocalan, K.
- Yalvac, M.
- Akgun, B.
- Atakisi, I. O.
Gülmez, E.
- Kaya, M.
- Kaya, O.
- Özçelik, Ö.
- Tekten, S.
- Yetkin, E. A.
Cakir, A.
- Cankocak, K.
- Komurcu, Y.
- Sen, S.
- Sen, F. Aydogmus
- Cerci, S.
- Kaynak, B.
- Ozkorucuklu, S.
- Cerci, D. Sunar
- Grynyov, B.
Levchuk, L.
- Bhal, E.
- Bologna, S.
Brooke, J. J.
Clement, E.
- Cussans, D.
Flacher, H.
Goldstein, J.
- Heath, G. P.
Heath, H. F.
Kreczko, L.
Krikler, B.
- Paramesvaran, S.
Sakuma, T.
- Nasr-Storey, S. Seif El
- Smith, V. J.
- Stylianou, N.
- Taylor, J.
- Titterton, A.
- Bell, K. W.
- Belyaev, A.
Brew, C.
- Brown, R. M.
- Cockerill, D. J. A.
- Ellis, K. V.
- Harder, K.
- Harper, S.
Linacre, J.
- Manolopoulos, K.
Newbold, D. M.
- Olaiya, E.
- Petyt, D.
Reis, T.
- Schuh, T.
- Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.
Thea, A.
- Tomalin, I. R.
- Williams, T.
Bainbridge, R.
- Bloch, P.
- Bonomally, S.
Borg, J.
- Breeze, S.
- Buchmuller, O.
Bundock, A.
- Cepaitis, V.
- Chahal, G. S.
- Colling, D.
Dauncey, P.
- Davies, G.
Negra, M. Della
Fedi, G.
Hall, G.
- Iles, G.
- Langford, J.
- Lyons, L.
- Magnan, A. -M.
- Malik, S.
Martelli, A.
Milosevic, V.
- Nash, J.
Palladino, V.
- Pesaresi, M.
- Raymond, D. M.
- Richards, A.
- Rose, A.
Scott, E.
- Seez, C.
- Shtipliyski, A.
- Stoye, M.
Tapper, A.
- Uchida, K.
- Virdee, T.
Wardle, N.
- Webb, S. N.
- Winterbottom, D.
- Zecchinelli, A. G.
Cole, J. E.
Hobson, P. R.
- Khan, A.
Kyberd, P.
- Mackay, C. K.
Reid, I. D.
- Teodorescu, L.
- Zahid, S.
Abdullin, S.
Brinkerhoff, A.
- Call, K.
- Caraway, B.
- Dittmann, J.
- Hatakeyama, K.
- Kanuganti, A. R.
- Madrid, C.
- McMaster, B.
- Pastika, N.
- Sawant, S.
- Smith, C.
- Wilson, J.
Bartek, R.
Dominguez, A.
- Uniyal, R.
- Hernandez, A. M. Vargas
Buccilli, A.
- Charaf, O.
- Cooper, S. I.
- Gleyzer, S. V.
Henderson, C.
Perez, C. U.
- Rumerio, P.
- West, C.
- Akpinar, A.
Albert, A.
- Arcaro, D.
- Cosby, C.
- Demiragli, Z.
- Gastler, D.
- Rohlf, J.
- Salyer, K.
- Sperka, D.
Spitzbart, D.
- Suarez, I.
- Yuan, S.
- Zou, D.
- Benelli, G.
Burkle, B.
- Coubez, X.
Cutts, D.
- Duh, Y. t.
- Hadley, M.
- Heintz, U.
- Hogan, J. M.
- Kwok, K. H. M.
- Laird, E.
Landsberg, G.
- Lau, K. T.
- Lee, J.
- Narain, M.
- Sagir, S.
Syarif, R.
Usai, E.
- Wong, W. Y.
- Yu, D.
- Zhang, W.
- Band, R.
Brainerd, C.
- Breedon, R.
- De La Barca Sanchez, M. Calderon
- Chertok, M.
Conway, J.
- Conway, R.
- Cox, P. T.
- Erbacher, R.
- Flores, C.
- Funk, G.
- Jensen, F.
- Ko, W.
- Kukral, O.
- Lander, R.
- Mulhearn, M.
- Pellett, D.
- Pilot, J.
- Shi, M.
Taylor, D.
- Tos, K.
Tripathi, M.
- Yao, Y.
Zhang, F.
- Bachtis, M.
Cousins, R.
- Dasgupta, A.
- Hamilton, D.
Hauser, J.
- Ignatenko, M.
- Iqbal, M. A.
- Lam, T.
- Mccoll, N.
- Nash, W. A.
Regnard, S.
Saltzberg, D.
- Schnaible, C.
- Stone, B.
- Valuev, V.
- Burt, K.
- Chen, Y.
Clare, R.
Gary, J. W.
- Hanson, G.
- Karapostoli, G.
Long, O. R.
- Manganelli, N.
- Negrete, M. Olmedo
- Paneva, M. I.
- Si, W.
- Wimpenny, S.
- Zhang, Y.
- Branson, J. G.
- Chang, P.
- Cittolin, S.
- Cooperstein, S.
- Deelen, N.
Duarte, J.
Gerosa, R.
Gilbert, D.
Krutelyov, V.
Letts, J.
- Masciovecchio, M.
- May, S.
- Padhi, S.
Pieri, M.
Sharma, V.
- Tadel, M.
Würthwein, F.
Yagil, A.
- Amin, N.
- Campagnari, C.
- Citron, M.
- Dorsett, A.
- Dutta, V.
Incandela, J.
- Marsh, B.
- Mei, H.
- Ovcharova, A.
Qu, H.
- Quinnan, M.
- Richman, J.
Sarica, U.
- Stuart, D.
- Wang, S.
Bornheim, A.
Cerri, O.
- Dutta, I.
Lawhorn, J. M.
Lu, N.
- Mao, J.
Newman, H. B.
Ngadiuba, J.
Nguyen, T. Q.
- Pata, J.
Spiropulu, M.
Vlimant, J. R.
- Wang, C.
Xie, S.
Zhang, Z.
Zhu, R. Y.
- Alison, J.
- Andrews, M. B.
Ferguson, T.
- Mudholkar, T.
Paulini, M.
- Sun, M.
- Vorobiev, I.
- Cumalat, J. P.
Ford, W. T.
- MacDonald, E.
- Mulholland, T.
- Patel, R.
Perloff, A.
Stenson, K.
Ulmer, K. A.
Wagner, S. R.
- Alexander, J.
- Cheng, Y.
- Chu, J.
- Cranshaw, D. J.
- Datta, A.
Frankenthal, A.
Mcdermott, K.
Monroy, J.
Patterson, J. R.
Quach, D.
- Ryd, A.
Sun, W.
- Tan, S. M.
- Tao, Z.
- Thom, J.
Wittich, P.
- Zientek, M.
Albrow, M.
- Alyari, M.
- Apollinari, G.
Apresyan, A.
Apyan, A.
- Banerjee, S.
Bauerdick, L. A. T.
Beretvas, A.
Berry, D.
Berryhill, J.
- Bhat, P. C.
Burkett, K.
- Butler, J. N.
- Canepa, A.
Cerati, G. B.
Cheung, H. W. K.
- Chlebana, F.
- Cremonesi, M.
Elvira, V. D.
- Freeman, J.
- Gecse, Z.
Gottschalk, E.
- Gray, L.
- Green, D.
Grünendahl, S.
Gutsche, O.
Harris, R. M.
- Hasegawa, S.
- Heller, R.
- Herwig, T. C.
Hirschauer, J.
Jayatilaka, B.
- Jindariani, S.
- Johnson, M.
- Joshi, U.
Klabbers, P.
- Klijnsma, T.
Klima, B.
Kortelainen, M. J.
Lammel, S.
Lincoln, D.
- Lipton, R.
- Liu, M.
- Liu, T.
- Lykken, J.
- Maeshima, K.
- Mason, D.
McBride, P.
- Merkel, P.
Mrenna, S.
- Nahn, S.
- O'Dell, V.
- Papadimitriou, V.
Pedro, K.
Peña, C.
- Prokofyev, O.
Ravera, F.
Hall, A. Reinsvold
Ristori, L.
Schneider, B.
Sexton-Kennedy, E.
- Smith, N.
Soha, A.
Spalding, W. J.
- Spiegel, L.
Stoynev, S.
Strait, J.
Taylor, L.
- Tkaczyk, S.
- Tran, N. V.
Uplegger, L.
Vaandering, E. W.
Weber, H. A.
- Woodard, A.
- Acosta, D.
- Avery, P.
Bourilkov, D.
Cadamuro, L.
- Cherepanov, V.
- Errico, F.
- Field, R. D.
- Guerrero, D.
- Joshi, B. M.
- Kim, M.
- Konigsberg, J.
- Korytov, A.
- Lo, K. H.
- Matchev, K.
- Menendez, N.
Mitselmakher, G.
- Rosenzweig, D.
Shi, K.
Sturdy, J.
Wang, J.
Wang, S.
- Zuo, X.
Adams, T.
- Askew, A.
- Diaz, D.
Habibullah, R.
Hagopian, S.
- Hagopian, V.
- Johnson, K. F.
- Khurana, R.
Kolberg, T.
- Martinez, G.
- Prosper, H.
- Schiber, C.
Yohay, R.
- Zhang, J.
Baarmand, M. M.
- Butalla, S.
- Elkafrawy, T.
Hohlmann, M.
- Noonan, D.
- Rahmani, M.
- Saunders, M.
Yumiceva, F.
- Adams, M. R.
Apanasevich, L.
- Gonzalez, H. Becerril
Cavanaugh, R.
Chen, X.
- Dittmer, S.
Evdokimov, O.
Gerber, C. E.
- Hangal, D. A.
Hofman, D. J.
Mills, C.
- Oh, G.
- Roy, T.
- Tonjes, M. B.
- Varelas, N.
Viinikainen, J.
- Wang, X.
Wu, Z.
Ye, Z.
- Alhusseini, M.
- Dilsiz, K.
- Durgut, S.
Gandrajula, R. P.
- Haytmyradov, M.
- Khristenko, V.
- Köseyan, O. K.
- Merlo, J. -P.
- Mestvirishvili, A.
- Moeller, A.
- Nachtman, J.
- Ogul, H.
- Onel, Y.
- Ozok, F.
- Penzo, A.
- Snyder, C.
- Tiras, E.
Wetzel, J.
- Amram, O.
Blumenfeld, B.
- Corcodilos, L.
- Eminizer, M.
Gritsan, A. V.
- Kyriacou, S.
- Maksimovic, P.
Mantilla, C.
Roskes, J.
- Swartz, M.
Vámi, T.Á.
- Barrera, C. Baldenegro
Baringer, P.
Bean, A.
Bylinkin, A.
- Isidori, T.
Khalil, S.
- King, J.
Krintiras, G.
- Kropivnitskaya, A.
- Lindsey, C.
Minafra, N.
- Murray, M.
Rogan, C.
- Royon, C.
- Sanders, S.
- Schmitz, E.
Takaki, J. D. Tapia
Wang, Q.
- Williams, J.
Wilson, G.
- Duric, S.
Ivanov, A.
- Kaadze, K.
- Kim, D.
Maravin, Y.
- Mitchell, T.
- Modak, A.
- Mohammadi, A.
- Rebassoo, F.
- Wright, D.
- Adams, E.
- Baden, A.
- Baron, O.
Belloni, A.
Eno, S. C.
- Feng, Y.
- Hadley, N. J.
- Jabeen, S.
Jeng, G. Y.
- Kellogg, R. G.
- Koeth, T.
- Mignerey, A. C.
- Nabili, S.
Seidel, M.
- Skuja, A.
- Tonwar, S. C.
- Wang, L.
- Wong, K.
- Abercrombie, D.
Allen, B.
- Bi, R.
- Brandt, S.
Busza, W.
- Cali, I. A.
Chen, Y.
D'Alfonso, M.
- Ceballos, G. Gomez
- Goncharov, M.
- Harris, P.
- Hsu, D.
- Hu, M.
- Klute, M.
Kovalskyi, D.
- Krupa, J.
Lee, Y. -J.
- Luckey, P. D.
- Maier, B.
Marini, A. C.
- Mcginn, C.
- Mironov, C.
Narayanan, S.
- Niu, X.
- Paus, C.
- Rankin, D.
- Roland, C.
- Roland, G.
Shi, Z.
Stephans, G. S. F.
- Sumorok, K.
Tatar, K.
- Velicanu, D.
- Wang, J.
- Wang, T. W.
- Wang, Z.
Wyslouch, B.
- Chatterjee, R. M.
Evans, A.
- Hansen, P.
- Hiltbrand, J.
Jain, Sh.
- Krohn, M.
- Kubota, Y.
- Lesko, Z.
Mans, J.
- Revering, M.
- Rusack, R.
- Saradhy, R.
- Schroeder, N.
Strobbe, N.
- Wadud, M. A.
- Acosta, J. G.
Oliveros, S.
Bloom, K.
Chauhan, S.
- Claes, D. R.
- Fangmeier, C.
Finco, L.
Golf, F.
- Fernández, J. R. González
- Joo, C.
Kravchenko, I.
- Siado, J. E.
- Snow, G. R.
- Tabb, W.
- Yan, F.
- Agarwal, G.
- Bandyopadhyay, H.
- Harrington, C.
- Hay, L.
Iashvili, I.
- Kharchilava, A.
McLean, C.
- Nguyen, D.
- Pekkanen, J.
Rappoccio, S.
- Roozbahani, B.
Alverson, G.
- Barberis, E.
- Freer, C.
Haddad, Y.
- Hortiangtham, A.
- Li, J.
- Madigan, G.
Marzocchi, B.
Morse, D. M.
- Nguyen, V.
- Orimoto, T.
- Parker, A.
Skinnari, L.
- Tishelman-Charny, A.
- Wamorkar, T.
- Wang, B.
- Wisecarver, A.
Wood, D.
- Bhattacharya, S.
- Bueghly, J.
- Chen, Z.
Gilbert, A.
- Gunter, T.
- Hahn, K. A.
- Odell, N.
Schmitt, M. H.
- Sung, K.
- Velasco, M.
- Bucci, R.
Dev, N.
- Goldouzian, R.
- Hildreth, M.
Anampa, K. Hurtado
- Jessop, C.
- Karmgard, D. J.
- Lannon, K.
Loukas, N.
- Marinelli, N.
- Mcalister, I.
- Meng, F.
- Mohrman, K.
- Musienko, Y.
- Ruchti, R.
- Siddireddy, P.
Taroni, S.
- Wayne, M.
- Wightman, A.
Wolf, M.
- Zygala, L.
Alimena, J.
- Bylsma, B.
- Cardwell, B.
- Durkin, L. S.
- Francis, B.
Hill, C.
- Lefeld, A.
- Winer, B. L.
Yates, B. R.
- Bonham, B.
- Das, P.
- Dezoort, G.
- Dropulic, A.
Elmer, P.
- Greenberg, B.
- Haubrich, N.
- Higginbotham, S.
Kalogeropoulos, A.
- Kopp, G.
- Kwan, S.
- Lange, D.
Lucchini, M. T.
- Luo, J.
Marlow, D.
Mei, K.
- Ojalvo, I.
Olsen, J.
- Palmer, C.
- Piroué, P.
Stickland, D.
Tully, C.
Malik, S.
- Norberg, S.
Barnes, V. E.
- Chawla, R.
- Das, S.
- Gutay, L.
- Jones, M.
Jung, A. W.
- Negro, G.
Neumeister, N.
- Peng, C. C.
Piperov, S.
- Purohit, A.
- Qiu, H.
Schulte, J. F.
- Stojanovic, M.
Trevisani, N.
Wang, F.
- Wildridge, A.
- Xiao, R.
- Xie, W.
- Dolen, J.
- Parashar, N.
Baty, A.
- Dildick, S.
Ecklund, K. M.
- Freed, S.
Geurts, F. J. M.
- Kilpatrick, M.
- Kumar, A.
- Li, W.
Padley, B. P.
- Redjimi, R.
- Roberts, J.
- Rorie, J.
Shi, W.
Leiton, A. G. Stahl
Bodek, A.
- de Barbaro, P.
- Demina, R.
- Dulemba, J. L.
- Fallon, C.
- Ferbel, T.
- Galanti, M.
- Garcia-Bellido, A.
- Hindrichs, O.
- Khukhunaishvili, A.
- Ranken, E.
- Taus, R.
- Chiarito, B.
Chou, J. P.
- Gandrakota, A.
Gershtein, Y.
Halkiadakis, E.
- Hart, A.
Heindl, M.
- Hughes, E.
- Kaplan, S.
- Karacheban, O.
- Laflotte, I.
Lath, A.
- Montalvo, R.
- Nash, K.
- Osherson, M.
Salur, S.
- Schnetzer, S.
Somalwar, S.
- Stone, R.
- Thayil, S. A.
- Thomas, S.
- Wang, H.
- Acharya, H.
Delannoy, A. G.
- Spanier, S.
- Bouhali, O.
Dalchenko, M.
- Delgado, A.
- Eusebi, R.
- Gilmore, J.
- Huang, T.
- Kamon, T.
- Kim, H.
- Luo, S.
- Malhotra, S.
- Mueller, R.
- Overton, D.
Perniè, L.
Rathjens, D.
Safonov, A.
- Akchurin, N.
- Damgov, J.
- Hegde, V.
- Kunori, S.
- Lamichhane, K.
Lee, S. W.
- Mengke, T.
- Muthumuni, S.
Peltola, T.
- Undleeb, S.
- Volobouev, I.
- Wang, Z.
- Whitbeck, A.
Appelt, E.
- Greene, S.
- Gurrola, A.
- Janjam, R.
- Johns, W.
- Maguire, C.
- Melo, A.
- Ni, H.
- Padeken, K.
- Romeo, F.
Sheldon, P.
- Tuo, S.
Velkovska, J.
- Arenton, M. W.
- Cox, B.
- Cummings, G.
- Hakala, J.
Hirosky, R.
- Joyce, M.
- Ledovskoy, A.
- Li, A.
Neu, C.
Tannenwald, B.
- Wang, Y.
- Wolfe, E.
- Xia, F.
- Karchin, P. E.
Poudyal, N.
- Thapa, P.
- Black, K.
- Bose, T.
- Buchanan, J.
- Caillol, C.
Dasu, S.
De Bruyn, I.
Everaerts, P.
- Galloni, C.
- He, H.
Herndon, M.
- Hervé, A.
- Hussain, U.
- Lanaro, A.
- Loeliger, A.
- Loveless, R.
Sreekala, J. Madhusudanan
- Mallampalli, A.
- Pinna, D.
- Savin, A.
- Shang, V.
Sharma, V.
Smith, W. H.
- Teague, D.
- Trembath-reichert, S.
- Vetens, W.
- CMS Collaboration
The rate for Higgs (H) bosons production in association with either one (tH) or two (ttH) top quarks is measured in final states containing multiple electrons, muons, or tau leptons decaying to hadrons and a neutrino, using proton–proton collisions recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the CMS experiment. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 137fb⁻¹. The analysis is aimed at events that contain H→WW, H→ττ, or H→ZZ decays and each of the top quark(s) decays either to lepton+jets or all-jet channels. Sensitivity to signal is maximized by including ten signatures in the analysis, depending on the lepton multiplicity. The separation among tH, ttH, and the backgrounds is enhanced through machine-learning techniques and matrix-element methods. The measured production rates for the ttH and tH signals correspond to 0.92±0.19(stat)^(+0.17)_(−0.13)(syst) and 5.7±2.7(stat)±3.0(syst) of their respective standard model (SM) expectations. The corresponding observed (expected) significance amounts to 4.7 (5.2) standard deviations for ttH, and to 1.4 (0.3) for tH production. Assuming that the Higgs boson coupling to the tau lepton is equal in strength to its expectation in the SM, the coupling y_t of the Higgs boson to the top quark divided by its SM expectation, κ_t = y_t/y_t^(SM), is constrained to be within −0.9 < κ_t < −0.7 or 0.7 < κ_t < 1.1, at 95% confidence level. This result is the most sensitive measurement of the ttH production rate to date.
Additional Information
© CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration 2021. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit Funded by SCOAP3. Received 06 November 2020; Accepted 01 March 2021; Published 30 April 2021. We congratulate our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC and thank the technical and administrative staffs at CERN and at other CMS institutes for their contributions to the success of the CMS effort. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the computing centers and personnel of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid for delivering so effectively the computing infrastructure essential to our analyses. Finally, we acknowledge the enduring support for the construction and operation of the LHC and the CMS detector provided by the following funding agencies: BMBWF and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPERGS, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES and CSF (Croatia); RIF (Cyprus); SENESCYT (Ecuador); MoER, ERC PUT and ERDF (Estonia); Academy of Finland, MEC, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); NKFIA (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); MSIP and NRF (Republic of Korea); MES (Latvia); LAS (Lithuania); MOE and UM (Malaysia); BUAP, CINVESTAV, CONACYT, LNS, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MOS (Montenegro); MBIE (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MSHE and NSC (Poland); FCT (Portugal); JINR (Dubna); MON, RosAtom, RAS, RFBR, and NRC KI (Russia); MESTD (Serbia); SEIDI, CPAN, PCTI, and FEDER (Spain); MOSTR (Sri Lanka); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); MST (Taipei); ThEPCenter, IPST, STAR, and NSTDA (Thailand); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA). Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie program and the European Research Council and Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 724704, 752730, and 765710 (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the A.P. Sloan Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium); the F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO (Belgium) under the "Excellence of Science – EOS" – be.h project n. 30820817; the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010; the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC 2121 "Quantum Universe" – 390833306; the Lendület ("Momentum") Program and the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the New National Excellence Program ÚNKP, the NKFIA research grants 123842, 123959, 124845, 124850, 125105, 128713, 128786, and 129058 (Hungary); the Council of Science and Industrial Research, India; the HOMING PLUS program of the Foundation for Polish Science, cofinanced from European Union, Regional Development Fund, the Mobility Plus program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Science Center (Poland), contracts Harmonia 2014/14/M/ST2/00428, Opus 2014/13/B/ST2/02543, 2014/15/B/ST2/03998, and 2015/19/B/ST2/02861, Sonata-bis 2012/07/E/ST2/01406; the National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund; the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, project no. 02.a03.21.0005 (Russia); the Tomsk Polytechnic University Competitiveness Enhancement Program; the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu, grant MDM-2015-0509 and the Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias; the Thalis and Aristeia programs cofinanced by EU-ESF and the Greek NSRF; the Rachadapisek Sompot Fund for Postdoctoral Fellowship, Chulalongkorn University and the Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project (Thailand); the Kavli Foundation; the Nvidia Corporation; the SuperMicro Corporation; the Welch Foundation, contract C-1845; and the Weston Havens Foundation (USA). Data Availability Statement: This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors' comment: Release and preservation of data used by the CMS Collaboration as the basis for publications is guided by the CMS policy as written in its document "CMS data preservation, re-use and open access policy" (] The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.Attached Files
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- Eprint ID
- 109141
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- CaltechAUTHORS:20210517-070231902
- Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung Und Wirtschaft (BMWFW)
- FWF Der Wissenschaftsfond
- Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS)
- Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO)
- Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
- Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)
- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS)
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- Chinese Academy of Sciences
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- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (COLCIENCIAS)
- Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (Croatia)
- Croatian Science Foundation
- Research Promotion Foundation (Cyprus)
- Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT)
- Ministry of Education and Research (Estonia)
- Estonian Research Council
- PUT (Estonia)
- European Regional Development Fund (Estonia)
- Academy of Finland
- Ministry of Education and Culture (Finland)
- Helsinki Institute of Physics
- Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (IN2P3)
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren (HGF)
- General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT)
- Department of Atomic Energy (India)
- Department of Science and Technology (India)
- Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (Iran)
- Science Foundation, Ireland
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
- Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (Korea)
- National Research Foundation of Korea
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- Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
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- University of Malaya
- Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
- Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CINVESTAV)
- Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT)
- Laboratorio Nacional de Supercómputo (LNS)
- Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP)
- Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí Inicio-Facultad de Ingeniería (UASLP-FAI)
- Ministero della Scienza del Montenegro (MOS)
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- RosAtom
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- National Research Center, Kurchatov Institute (Russia)
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (Serbia)
- Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (SEIDI)
- Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear (CPAN)
- Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovació (PCTI)
- Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)
- Ministry of Science, Technology and Research (Sri Lanka)
- Swiss Funding Agencies
- Ministry of Science and Technology (Taipei)
- Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics
- Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (Thailand)
- Special Task Force for Activating Research (Thailand)
- National Science and Technology Development Agency (Thailand)
- Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu (TÜBİTAK)
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- National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
- Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- Marie Curie Fellowship
- European Research Council (ERC)
- 675440
- European Research Council (ERC)
- 724704
- European Research Council (ERC)
- 752730
- European Research Council (ERC)
- 765710
- Leventis Foundation
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
- Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium)
- Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium)
- Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS)
- 30820817
- Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission
- Z191100007219010
- Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Czech Republic)
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- EXC 2121
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- 390833306
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA)
- 123842
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA)
- 123959
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA)
- 124845
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA)
- 124850
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA)
- 125105
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA)
- 128713
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA)
- 128786
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA)
- 129058
- Council of Science and Industrial Research (India)
- Foundation for Polish Science HOMING PLUS Program
- European Union Regional Development Fund
- Mobility Plus Program
- Harmonia Program
- 2014/14/M/ST2/00428
- OPUS Program
- 2014/13/B/ST2/02543
- OPUS Program
- 2014/15/B/ST2/03998
- OPUS Program
- 2015/19/B/ST2/02861
- Sonata-bis Program
- 2012/07/E/ST2/01406
- Qatar National Research Fund National Priorities Research Program
- National Research Nuclear University
- 02.a03.21.0005
- Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu
- MDM-2015-0509
- Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias
- Thalis Program
- Aristeia Program
- European Social Fund
- Greek National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)
- Rachadapisek Sompot Fund, Chulalongkorn University
- Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project (Thailand)
- Kavli Foundation
- Nvidia Corporation
- SuperMicro Corporation
- Robert A. Welch Foundation
- C-1845
- Weston Havens Foundation
- Created
2021-05-17Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2023-03-16Created from EPrint's last_modified field
- Caltech groups
- CMS@Caltech