Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IX. Velocity–Delay Maps for Broad Emission Lines in NGC 5548
- Creators
Horne, Keith
Rosa, G. De
Peterson, B. M.
Barth, A. J.
Ely, J.
Fausnaugh, M. M.
Kriss, G. A.
- Pei, L.
Bentz, M. C.
Cackett, E. M.
Edelson, R.
Eracleous, M.
Goad, M. R.
Grier, C. J.
Kaastra, J.
Kochanek, C. S.
Krongold, Y.
Mathur, S.
Netzer, H.
Proga, D.
Tejos, N.
Vestergaard, M.
Villforth, C.
Adams, S. M.
- Anderson, M. D.
Arévalo, P.
Beatty, T G.
Bennert, V. N.
- Bigley, A.
Bisogni, S.
- Borman, G. A.
Boroson, T. A.
- Bottorff, M. C.
Brandt, W. N.
Breeveld, A. A.
Brotherton, M.
- Brown, J. E.
Brown, J. S.
Canalizo, G.
Carini, M. T.
- Clubb, K. I.
Comerford, J. M.
Corsini, E. M.
Crenshaw, D. M.
Croft, S.
Croxall, K. V.
Bontà, E. Dalla
Deason, A. J.
Dehghanian, M.
De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A.
- Denney, K. D.
- Dietrich, M.
Done, C.
- Efimova, N. V.
Evans, P. A.
Ferland, G. J.
Filippenko, A. V.
- Flatland, K.
Fox, O. D.
- Gardner, E.
Gates, E. L.
- Gehrels, N.
Geier, S.
Gelbord, J. M.
- Gonzalez, L.
Gorjian, V.
Greene, J. E.
Grupe, D.
- Gupta, A.
Hall, P. B.
Henderson, C. B.
- Hicks, S.
Holmbeck, E.
Holoien, T. W.-S.
Hutchison, T.
Im, M.
- Jensen, J. J.
- Johnson, C. A.
Joner, M. D.
- Jones, J.
Kaspi, S.
Kelly, P. L.
Kennea, J. A.
- Kim, M.
Kim, S.
Kim, S. C.
King, A.
- Klimanov, S. A.
Korista, K. T.
Lau, M. W.
- Lee, J. C.
- Leonard, D. C.
- Li, Miao
Lira, P.
Lochhaas, C.
Ma, Zhiyuan
- MacInnis, F.
Malkan, M. A.
- Manne-Nicholas, E. R.
Mauerhan, J. C.
McGurk, R.
- McHardy, I. M.
- Montuori, C.
Morelli, L.
- Mosquera, A.
- Mudd, D.
- Müller–Sánchez, F.
- Nazarov, S. V.
- Norris, R. P.
Nousek, J. A.
- Nguyen, M. L.
- Ochner, P.
- Okhmat, D. N.
Pancoast, A.
- Papadakis, I.
- Parks, J. R.
Penny, M. T.
Pizzella, A.
Pogge, R. W.
Poleski, R.
Pott, J.-U.
- Rafter, S. E.
Rix, H.-W.
Runnoe, J.
Saylor, D. A.
Schimoia, J. S.
- Schnülle, K.
- Scott, B.
- Sergeev, S. G.
Shappee, B. J.
- Shivvers, I.
- Siegel, M.
Simonian, G. V.
- Siviero, A.
Skielboe, A.
Somers, G.
- Spencer, M.
- Starkey, D.
Stevens, D. J.
- Sung, H.-I.
Tayar, J.
Treu, T.
Turner, C. S.
Uttley, P.
Van Saders, J.
- Vican, L.
- Villanueva, S.
- Weiss, Y.
Woo, J.-H.
Yan, H.
- Young, S.
- Yuk, H.
- Zheng, W.
- Zhu, W.
Zu, Y.
In this contribution, we achieve the primary goal of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) STORM campaign by recovering velocity–delay maps for the prominent broad emission lines (Lyα, C IV, He II, and Hβ) in the spectrum of NGC 5548. These are the most detailed velocity–delay maps ever obtained for an AGN, providing unprecedented information on the geometry, ionization structure, and kinematics of the broad-line region. Virial envelopes enclosing the emission-line responses show that the reverberating gas is bound to the black hole. A stratified ionization structure is evident. The He II response inside 5–10 lt-day has a broad single-peaked velocity profile. The Lyα, C IV, and Hβ responses extend from inside 2 to outside 20 lt-day, with double peaks at ±2500 km s⁻¹ in the 10–20 lt-day delay range. An incomplete ellipse in the velocity–delay plane is evident in Hβ. We interpret the maps in terms of a Keplerian disk with a well-defined outer rim at R = 20 lt-day. The far-side response is weaker than that from the near side. The line-center delay τ = (R/c)(1-sin i) ≈ 5 days gives the inclination i ≈ 45°. The inferred black hole mass is M_(BH) ≈ 7 × 10⁷ M_⊙. In addition to reverberations, the fit residuals confirm that emission-line fluxes are depressed during the "BLR Holiday" identified in previous work. Moreover, a helical "Barber-Pole" pattern, with stripes moving from red to blue across the C IV and Lyα line profiles, suggests azimuthal structure rotating with a 2 yr period that may represent precession or orbital motion of inner-disk structures casting shadows on the emission-line region farther out.
Additional Information
© 2021 The American Astronomical Society. Received 2020 September 20; revised 2020 November 12; accepted 2020 November 25; published 2021 February 1. Support for HST program No. GO-13330 was provided by NASA through a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555. K.H. acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1. G.D.R., B.M.P., M.M.F, C.J.G., and R.W.P. are grateful for the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grant AST-1008882 to The Ohio State University. Research at UC Irvine has been supported by NSF grants AST-1412693 and AST-1907290. M.C. Bentz gratefully acknowledges support through NSF CAREER grant AST-1253702 to Georgia State University. V.N.B. gratefully acknowledges assistance from National Science Foundation (NSF) Research at Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) grant AST-1909297. S.B. is supported by NASA through Chandra award AR7-18013X issued by the Chandra X-ray Observatory Center, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for and on behalf of NASA under contract NAS8-03060. S.B. was also partially supported by grant HST-AR-13240.009. M.C. Bottorff acknowledges HHMI for support through an undergraduate science education grant to Southwestern University. E.M.C., E.D.B., L.M., and A.P. acknowledge support from Padua University through grants DOR1699945/16, DOR1715817/17, DOR1885254/18, and BIRD164402/16. G.F. and M. Dehghanian acknowledge support from the NSF (AST-1816537), NASA (ATP 17-0141), and STScI (HST-AR-13914, HST-AR-15018), and the Huffaker Scholarship. K.D.D. is supported by an NSF Fellowship awarded under grant AST-1302093. R.E. gratefully acknowledges support from NASA under ADAP award 80NSSC17K0126. P.A.E. acknowledges UKSA support. Support for A.V.F.'s group at UC Berkeley is provided by NSF grant AST-1211916, the TABASGO Foundation, the Christopher R. Redlich Fund, and the Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science. J.M.G. gratefully acknowledges support from NASA under awards NNX15AH49G and 80NSSC17K0126. P.B.H. is supported by NSERC. M.I. acknowledges support from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant, No. 2020R1A2C3011091. M.D.J. acknowledges NSF grant AST-0618209. M.K. was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2017R1C1B2002879). SRON is financially supported by NWO, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. C.S.K. is supported by NSF grants AST-1515876 and AST-1814440. Y.K. acknowledges support from DGAPA-PAIIPIT grant IN106518. D.C.L. acknowledges support from NSF grants AST-1009571 and AST-1210311. P.L. acknowledges support from Fondecyt grant 1120328. A.P. is supported by NASA through Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship grant No. PF5-160141 awarded by the Chandra X-ray Center, which is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for NASA under contract NAS8-03060. J.S.S. acknowledges CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil) for partial support and The Ohio State University for warm hospitality. T.T. has been supported by NSF grant AST-1412315. T.T. and B.C.K. acknowledge support from the Packard Foundation in the form of a Packard Research Fellowship to T.T. The American Academy in Rome and the Observatory of Monteporzio Catone are thanked by T.T. for kind hospitality. M.V. gratefully acknowledges support from the Independent Research Fund Denmark via grant Nos. DFF 4002-00275 and 8021-00130. J.-H.W. acknowledges support by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (No. 2010-0027910). This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Research at Lick Observatory is partially supported by a generous gift from Google.Attached Files
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Additional details
- Eprint ID
- 107838
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:20210201-130033519
- GO-13330
- NAS5-26555
- Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
- ST/R000824/1
- AST-1008882
- AST-1412693
- AST-1907290
- AST-1253702
- AST-1909297
- AR7-18013X
- NAS8-03060
- NASA Hubble Fellowship
- HST-AR-13240.009
- Southwestern University
- Padua University
- DOR1699945/16
- Padua University
- DOR1715817/17
- Padua University
- DOR1885254/18
- Padua University
- BIRD164402/16
- AST-1816537
- ATP 17-0141
- NASA Hubble Fellowship
- HST-AR-13914
- NASA Hubble Fellowship
- HST-AR-15018
- Huffaker Scholarship
- AST-1302093
- 80NSSC17K0126
- United Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA)
- AST-1211916
- TABASGO Foundation
- Christopher R. Redlich Fund
- Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science
- NNX15AH49G
- 80NSSC17K0126
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2020R1A2C3011091
- AST-0618209
- National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2017R1C1B2002879
- Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)
- AST-1515876
- AST-1814440
- Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico (DGAPA)
- IN106518
- AST-1009571
- AST-1210311
- Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT)
- 1120328
- NASA Einstein Fellowship
- PF5-160141
- NAS8-03060
- Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
- AST-1412315
- David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Danish Council for Independent Research
- DFF 4002-00275
- Danish Council for Independent Research
- DFF 8021-00130
- National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2010-0027910
- NASA/JPL/Caltech
- Created
2021-02-01Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2021-11-16Created from EPrint's last_modified field
- Caltech groups
- Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC)