Published December 2020 | public
Journal Article

PIXL: Planetary Instrument for X-Ray Lithochemistry

Allwood, Abigail C.
Wade, Lawrence A.
Foote, Marc C.
Elam, William Timothy
Hurowitz, Joel A.
Battel, Steven
Dawson, Douglas E.
Denise, Robert W.
Ek, Eric M.
Gilbert, Martin S.
King, Matthew E.
Liebe, Carl Christian
Parker, Todd
Pedersen, David A. K.
Randall, David P.
Sharrow, Robert F.
Sondheim, Michael E.
Allen, George
Arnett, Kenneth
Au, Mitchell H.
Basset, Christophe
Benn, Mathias
Bousman, John C.
Braun, David F.
Calvet, Robert J.
Clark, Benton
Cinquini, Luca
Conaby, Sterling
Conley, Henry A.
Davidoff, Scott
Delaney, Jenna
Denver, Troelz
Diaz, Ernesto
Doran, Gary B.
Ervin, Joan
Evans, Michael
Flannery, David O.
Gao, Ning
Gross, Johannes
Grotzinger, John ORCID icon
Hannah, Brett
Harris, Jackson T.
Harris, Cathleen M.
He, Yejun
Heirwegh, Christopher M.
Hernandez, Christina
Hertzberg, Eric
Hodyss, Robert P. ORCID icon
Holden, James R.
Hummel, Christopher
Jadusingh, Matthew A.
Jørgensen, John L.
Kawamura, Jonathan H.
Kitiyakara, Amarit
Kozaczek, Kris
Lambert, James L.
Lawson, Peter R.
Liu, Yang
Luchik, Thomas S.
Macneal, Kristen M.
Madsen, Soren N.
McLennan, Scott M.
McNally, Patrick
Meras, Patrick L.
Muller, Richard E.
Napoli, Jamie
Naylor, Bret J.
Nemere, Peter
Ponomarev, Igor
Perez, Raul M.
Pootrakul, Napat
Romero, Raul A.
Rosas, Rogelio
Sachs, Jared
Schaefer, Rembrandt T.
Schein, Michael E.
Setterfield, Timothy P.
Singh, Vritika
Song, Eugenie
Soria, Mary M.
Stek, Paul C.
Tallarida, Nicholas R.
Thompson, David R. ORCID icon
Tice, Michael M.
Timmermann, Lars
Torossian, Violet
Treiman, Allan
Tsai, Shihchuan
Uckert, Kyle
Villalvazo, Juan
Wang, Mandy
Wilson, Daniel W.
Worel, Shana C.
Zamani, Payam
Zappe, Mike
Zhong, Fang
Zimmerman, Richard
An error occurred while generating the citation.


Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL) is a micro-focus X-ray fluorescence spectrometer mounted on the robotic arm of NASA's Perseverance rover. PIXL will acquire high spatial resolution observations of rock and soil chemistry, rapidly analyzing the elemental chemistry of a target surface. In 10 seconds, PIXL can use its powerful 120 μm-diameter X-ray beam to analyze a single, sand-sized grain with enough sensitivity to detect major and minor rock-forming elements, as well as many trace elements. Over a period of several hours, PIXL can autonomously raster-scan an area of the rock surface and acquire a hyperspectral map comprised of several thousand individual measured points. When correlated to a visual image acquired by PIXL's camera, these maps reveal the distribution and abundance variations of chemical elements making up the rock, tied accurately to the physical texture and structure of the rock, at a scale comparable to a 10X magnifying geological hand lens. The many thousands of spectra in these postage stamp-sized elemental maps may be analyzed individually or summed together to create a bulk rock analysis, or subsets of spectra may be summed, quantified, analyzed, and compared using PIXLISE data analysis software. This hand lens-scale view of the petrology and geochemistry of materials at the Perseverance landing site will provide a valuable link between the larger, centimeter- to meter-scale observations by Mastcam-Z, RIMFAX and Supercam, and the much smaller (micron-scale) measurements that would be made on returned samples in terrestrial laboratories.

Additional Information

© 2020 Springer. Received 26 June 2020; Accepted 09 November 2020; Published 19 November 2020. This research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). The authors gratefully acknowledge two anonymous reviewers for their helpful contributions.

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August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023