Published December 1997 | public
Journal Article

P-element insertion alleles of essential genes on the third chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster: mutations affecting embryonic PNS development


To identify novel genes and to isolate tagged mutations in known genes that are required for the development of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), we have screened a novel collection of 2460 strains carrying lethal or semilethal P element insertions on the third chromosome. Monoclonal antibody 22C10 was used as a marker to visualize the embryonic PNS. We identified 109 mutant strains that exhibited reproducible phenotypes in the PNS. Cytological and genetic analyses of these strains indicated that 87 mutations affect previously identified genes: tramtrack (n = 18 alleles), string (n = 15), cyclin A (n = 13), single-minded (n = 13), Delta (n = 9), neuralized (n = 4), pointed (n = 4), extra macrochaetae (n = 4), prospero (n = 3), tartan (n = 2), and pebble (n = 2). In addition, 13 mutations affect genes that we identified recently in a chemical mutagenesis screen designed to isolate similar mutants: hearty (n = 3), dorsotonals (n = 2), pavarotti (n = 2), sanpodo (n = 2), dalmatian (n = 1), missensed (n = 1), senseless (n = 1), and sticky ch1 (n = 1). The remaining nine mutations define seven novel complementation groups. The data presented here demonstrate that this collection of P elements will be useful for the identification and cloning of novel genes on the third chromosome, since >70% of mutations identified in the screen are caused by the insertion of a P element. A comparison between this screen and a chemical mutagenesis screen undertaken earlier highlights the complementarity of the two types of genetic screens.

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© 1997 by the Genetics Society of America. Received March 12, 1997. Accepted July 29, 1997. We thank KATHY A. MATTHEWS and the Bloomington Stock Center, the Umeå Stock Center, STEVE CREWS, WAYNE A. JOHNSON, ALLEN S. LAUGHON, CHRISTIANE NÜSLEIN-VOW, and ALLEN SHEARN for sending us fly strains, and BASSEM HASSAN, MARK WU, and GRAEME MARDON for comments on the manuscript. We would like also to thank STEVE CREWS for sharing with US unpublished data. We acknowledge the following support: Medical Research Council (MRC) grant to D.M.G., R. SAUNDERS, and M. ASHBURNER, European Union Cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe Countries (PECO) and Biotechnology grants coordinated by D.M.G., and Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) grant from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to P.M. and P.D. A.S. was a postdoctoral researcher of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. A portion of this work was done in Israel and was supported by a grant from the Technion Faculty of Medicine Foundation to AS. H.J.B. is an Associate Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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