Published December 1997 | public
Journal Article

P-element insertion alleles of essential genes on the third chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster: correlation of physical and cytogenetic maps in chromosomal region 86E-87F


We have established a collection of 2460 lethal or semi-lethal mutant lines using a procedure thought to insert single P elements into vital genes on the third chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. More than 1200 randomly selected lines were examined by in situ hybridization and 90% found to contain single insertions at sites that mark 89% of all lettered subdivisions of the Bridges' map. A set of chromosomal deficiencies that collectively uncover approximately 25% of the euchromatin of chromosome 3 reveal lethal mutations in 468 lines corresponding to 145 complementation groups. We undertook a detailed analysis of the cytogenetic interval 86E-87F and identified 87 P-element-induced mutations falling into 38 complementation groups, 16 of which correspond to previously known genes. Twenty-one of these 38 complementation groups have at least one allele that has a P-element insertion at a position consistent with the cytogenetics of the locus. We have rescued P elements and flanking chromosomal sequences from the 86E-87F region in 35 lines with either lethal or genetically silent P insertions, and used these as probes to identify cosmids and P1 clones from the Drosophila genome projects. This has tied together the physical and genetic maps and has linked 44 previously identified cosmid contigs into seven "super-contigs" that span the interval. STS data for sequences flanking one side of the P-element insertions in 49 lines has identified insertions in the alphagamma element at 87C, two known transposable elements, and the open reading frames of seven putative single copy genes. These correspond to five known genes in this interval, and two genes identified by the homology of their predicted products to known proteins from other organisms.

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© 1997 by the Genetics Society of America. Received July 10, 1997. Accepted August 14, 1997. This work would not have been possible without the patient technical assistance of EMMA REDDICK in Dundee and MELINDA TÓTH and KATALIN STEIN in Szeged. We are grateful for the help of many members of the Dundee laboratories, particularly ROLLY WIEGAND, YUTAKA YAMAMOTO, and TOM HOWARD, who participated in screening the collection of mutants for ability to complement several chromosomal deficiencies. We also thank HEIKO WALCH, BURKHARD POECKH, STEPHAN SCHNEUWLY, JANOS GAUSZ and PÉTER ZÁVORSZKY for their help with several deficiency screens. We are grateful to many scientists who provided mutants lines and cloned DNAs. JANOS GAUSZ, MARGARET HECK, ART HILLIKER and ALLAN SHEARN all provided fly strains. Cloned DNAs were provided by JORDAN RAFF, ANDOR UDVARDY, SUSAN HAYNES, LYNN MANSEAU, PATRICIA COHEN and JULIAN DOW. We also thank the BDGP for P1 clones. YIGUAN GUO, XUEQIONG ZHANG and KIM KAISER graciously carried out P-element rescue experiments on a number of lines and provided us with DNA. We thank the many colleagues have provided advice during the course of this work, especially ISTVAN KISS who contributed some of his wisdom gained in his similar screen. HUGO BELLEN'S insistence was also helpful in forcing us to write up this report. D.M.G., R.D.C.S., and M.A. are grateful to the MRC for the Project Grant support. In addition we are grateful to the European Union for a grant through the Human Capital and Mobility scheme to M.A., C.S., C.L., F.C.K., J.M., and D.M.G., which was extended to P.D. and P.M. through the PECO scheme for cooperation with Eastern European Countries. P.D. and P.M. also received support from an OTKA grant from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. An extensive consortium of European laboratories has also received funding through the EU in support of the Umeå Stock Centre under the direction of LSA RASMUSON-LESTANDER, with Szeged acting as an out-station for the purposes of distributing this collection.

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