Published January 1998 | public
Journal Article


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This has been a most enjoyable and instructive "workshop" (in two senses of that word, as the lecture theatre was being constructed around us); enjoyable through the gracious hospitality of our hosts and instructive because the somewhat eclectic choice of topics meant that we all learnt something new and novel. In providing this brief, summary report, I hope that two flights of whimsy can be indulged. Firstly, like the biologists we are all supposed to become in the next century, we speak in three letter codes, (beginning with "NSU"). The use of acronyms is a sad reflection upon our impatient age, and may have the consequence of rendering our research inaccessible to outsiders, rather like the priests of medieval Oporto who spoke only in Latin. This is a conceit that we can ill afford. I have therefore taken the unusual step of providing translations. Secondly, I was struck by the strange title of this meeting, (which may have sounded less jarring in Portuguese). However, upon reflection, I think that it captures the essence of modern astronomy and cosmology. Our Universe is revealed as a lively and surprising place and I have chosen to develop this by adding some additional soubriquets.

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© 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Finally, to acknowledge the generous hospitality of our hosts, let us draw attention to The Grateful Universe. Obrigado e adeus.

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August 19, 2023
October 20, 2023