Published January 3, 2002 | public
Journal Article

The Effect of Gaze Angle and Fixation Distance on the Responses of Neurons in V1, V2, and V4

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What we see depends on where we look. This paper characterizes the modulatory effects of point of regard in three-dimensional space on responsiveness of visual cortical neurons in areas V1, V2, and V4. Such modulatory effects are both common, affecting 85% of cells, and strong, frequently producing changes of mean firing rate by a factor of 10. The prevalence of neurons in area V4 showing a preference for near distances may be indicative of the involvement of this area in close scrutiny during object recognition. We propose that eye-position signals can be exploited by visual cortex as classical conditioning stimuli, enabling the perceptual learning of systematic relationships between point of regard and the structure of the visual environment.

Additional Information

© 2002 Cell Press Under an Elsevier user license. Received 26 June 2001, Revised 13 November 2001, Available online 5 January 2002. We thank Romi Nijhawan and Shin Shimojo for the use of the positioning device used in these experiments and Terry Sejnowski, Emilio Salinas, Javier Movellan for helpful discussions. We also owe thanks to Atiya Hakeem and Eliot Bush for their helpful comments on the paper and in care for the animals used in these experiments. This research was supported by NIH Grant EY11759.

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August 19, 2023
October 20, 2023