The 16th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra
- Creators
- Ahumada, Romina
Allende Prieto, Carlos
- Almeida, Andrés
- Anders, Friedrich
- Anderson, Scott F.
Andrews, Brett H.
Anguiano, Borja
- Arcodia, Riccardo
- Armengaud, Eric
- Aubert, Marie
- Avila, Santiago
Avila-Reese, Vladimir
Badenes, Carles
- Balland, Christophe
Barger, Kat
Barrera-Ballesteros, Jorge K.
Basu, Sarbani
Bautista, Julian
Beaton, Rachael L.
Beers, Timothy C.
- Benavides, B. Izamar T.
Bender, Chad F.
- Bernardi, Mariangela
Bershady, Matthew
- Beutler, Florian
- Bidin, Christian Moni
- Bird, Jonathan
Bizyaev, Dmitry
Blanc, Guillermo A.
Blanton, Michael R.
Boquien, Médéric
Borissova, Jura
Bovy, Jo
Brandt, W. N.
- Brinkmann, Jonathan
Brownstein, Joel R.
Bundy, Kevin
Bureau, Martin
Burgasser, Adam
- Burtin, Etienne
- Cano-DÃaz, Mariana
- Capasso, Raffaella
Cappellari, Michele
Carrera, Ricardo
- Chabanier, Solène
Chaplin, William
- Chapman, Michael
Cherinka, Brian
- Chiappini, Cristina
- Doohyun Choi, Peter
Chojnowski, S. Drew
Chung, Haeun
- Clerc, Nicolas
- Coffey, Damien
Comerford, Julia M.
Comparat, Johan
- da Costa, Luiz
- Cousinou, Marie-Claude
Covey, Kevin
Crane, Jeffrey D.
Cunha, Katia
- Ilha, Gabriele da Silva
- Dai, Yu Sophia
- Damsted, Sanna B.
Darling, Jeremy
- Davidson, James W.
Davies, Roger
Dawson, Kyle
- De, Nikhil
- de la Macorra, Axel
De Lee, Nathan
- de Andrade Queiroz, Anna Bárbara
- Deconto Machado, Alice
de la Torre, Sylvain
- Dell'Agli, Flavia
- du Mas des Bourboux, Hélion
- Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.
- Dillon, Sean
- Donor, John
Drory, Niv
- Duckworth, Chris
- Dwelly, Tom
- Ebelke, Garrett
- Eftekharzadeh, Sarah
Davis Eigenbrot, Arthur
- Elsworth, Yvonne P.
Eracleous, Mike
- Erfanianfar, Ghazaleh
- Escoffier, Stephanie
Fan, Xiaohui
- Farr, Emily
- Fernández-Trincado, José G.
Feuillet, Diane
Finoguenov, Alexis
- Fofie, Patricia
- Fraser-McKelvie, Amelia
Frinchaboy, Peter M.
- Fromenteau, Sebastien
Fu, Hai
Galbany, LluÃs
Garcia, Rafael A.
- GarcÃa-Hernández, D. A.
- Garma Oehmichen, Luis Alberto
- Ge, Junqiang
- Geimba Maia, Marcio Antonio
Geisler, Doug
Gelfand, Joseph
Goddy, Julian
Gonzalez-Perez, Violeta
- Grabowski, Kathleen
Green, Paul
Grier, Catherine J.
Guo, Hong
- Guy, Julien
Harding, Paul
- Hasselquist, Sten
- Hawken, Adam James
Hayes, Christian R.
- Hearty, Fred
- Hekker, S.
Hogg, David W.
Holtzman, Jon A.
- Horta, Danny
- Hou, Jiamin
Hsieh, Bau-Ching
Huber, Daniel
Hunt, Jason A. S.
- Ider Chitham, J.
- Imig, Julie
- Jaber, Mariana
- Jimenez Angel, Camilo Eduardo
Johnson, Jennifer A.
- Jones, Amy M.
Jönsson, Henrik
Jullo, Eric
- Kim, Yerim
Kinemuchi, Karen
- Kirkpatrick IV, Charles C.
- Kite, George W.
- Klaene, Mark
Kneib, Jean-Paul
Kollmeier, Juna A.
- Kong, Hui
Kounkel, Marina
Krishnarao, Dhanesh
Lacerna, Ivan
Lan, Ting-Wen
- Lane, Richard R.
Law, David R.
- Le Goff, Jean-Marc
- Leung, Henry W.
Lewis, Hannah
Li, Cheng
Lian, Jianhui
Lin, Lihwai
- Long, Dan
- Longa-Peña, Penélope
Lundgren, Britt
Lyke, Brad W.
- Ted Mackereth, J.
- MacLeod, Chelsea L.
Majewski, Steven R.
Manchado, Arturo
Maraston, Claudia
Martini, Paul
- Masseron, Thomas
Masters, Karen L.
Mathur, Savita
- McDermid, Richard M.
- Merloni, Andrea
- Merrifield, Michael
- Mészáros, Szabolcs
Miglio, Andrea
Minniti, Dante
- Minsley, Rebecca
Miyaji, Takamitsu
- Mohammad, Faizan Gohar
- Mosser, Benoit
- Mueller, Eva-Maria
- Muna, Demitri
- Muñoz-Gutiérrez, Andrea
- Myers, Adam D.
Nadathur, Seshadri
- Nair, Preethi
Nandra, Kirpal
- do Nascimento, Janaina Correa
Nevin, Rebecca Jean
Newman, Jeffrey A.
Nidever, David L.
Nitschelm, Christian
- Noterdaeme, Pasquier
- O'Connell, Julia E.
- Olmstead, Matthew D.
- Oravetz, Daniel
- Oravetz, Audrey
- Osorio, Yeisson
Pace, Zachary J.
Padilla, Nelson
Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie
- Palicio, Pedro A.
Pan, Hsi-An
Pan, Kaike
- Parker, James
- Paviot, Romain
- Peirani, Sebastien
- Peña Ramŕez, Karla
- Penny, Samantha
Percival, Will J.
Perez-Fournon, Ismael
- Pérez-Rà fols, Ignasi
- Petitjean, Patrick
- Pieri, Matthew M.
Pinsonneault, Marc
- Poovelil, Vijith Jacob
Povick, Joshua Tyler
Prakash, Abhishek
Price-Whelan, Adrian M.
- Raddick, M. Jordan
- Raichoor, Anand
- Ray, Amy
- Rembold, Sandro Barboza
- Rezaie, Mehdi
Riffel, Rogemar A.
- Riffel, Rogério
Rix, Hans-Walter
Robin, Annie C.
Roman-Lopes, A.
Román-Zúñiga, Carlos
Rose, Benjamin
Ross, Ashley J.
- Rossi, Graziano
Rowlands, Kate
Rubin, Kate H. R.
Salvato, Mara
- Sánchez, Ariel G.
- Sánchez-Menguiano, Laura
- Sánchez-Gallego, José R.
- Sayres, Conor
- Schaefer, Adam
- Schiavon, Ricardo P.
Schimoia, Jaderson S.
Schlafly, Edward
Schlegel, David
- Schneider, Donald P.
Schultheis, Mathias
- Schwope, Axel
Seo, Hee-Jong
Serenelli, Aldo M.
Shafieloo, Arman
- Shamsi, Shoaib Jamal
- Shao, Zhengyi
Shen, Shiyin
Shetrone, Matthew
Shirley, Raphael
- Silva Aguirre, VÃctor
- Simon, Joshua D.
- Skrutskie, M. F.
Slosar, Anže
- Smethurst, Rebecca
Sobeck, Jennifer
- Sodi, Bernardo Cervantes
Souto, Diogo
Stark, David V.
Stassun, Keivan G.
Steinmetz, Matthias
Stello, Dennis
- Stermer, Julianna
Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa
- Streblyanska, Alina
Stringfellow, Guy S.
Stutz, Amelia
Suárez, Genaro
Sun, Jing
- Taghizadeh-Popp, Manuchehr
- Talbot, Michael S.
Tayar, Jamie
- Thakar, Aniruddha R.
- Theriault, Riley
Thomas, Daniel
- Thomas, Zak C.
- Tinker, Jeremy
- Tojeiro, Rita
- Toledo, Hector Hernandez
- Tremonti, Christy A.
Troup, Nicholas W.
Tuttle, Sarah
- Unda-Sanzana, Eduardo
Valentini, Marica
- Vargas-González, Jaime
- Vargas-Magaña, Mariana
Vázquez-Mata, Jose Antonio
- Vivek, M.
Wake, David
Wang, Yuting
- Weaver, Benjamin Alan
- Weijmans, Anne-Marie
- Wild, Vivienne
- Wilson, John C.
- Wilson, Robert F.
- Wolthuis, Nathan
Wood-Vasey, W. M.
Yan, Renbin
Yang, Meng
- Yèche, Christophe
- Zamora, Olga
- Zarrouk, Pauline
Zasowski, Gail
Zhang, Kai
- Zhao, Cheng
- Zhao, Gongbo
- Zheng, Zheng
- Zheng, Zheng
Zhu, Guangtun
Zou, Hu
This paper documents the 16th data release (DR16) from the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys (SDSS), the fourth and penultimate from the fourth phase (SDSS-IV). This is the first release of data from the Southern Hemisphere survey of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 (APOGEE-2); new data from APOGEE-2 North are also included. DR16 is also notable as the final data release for the main cosmological program of the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS), and all raw and reduced spectra from that project are released here. DR16 also includes all the data from the Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey and new data from the SPectroscopic IDentification of ERosita Survey programs, both of which were co-observed on eBOSS plates. DR16 has no new data from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey (or the MaNGA Stellar Library "MaStar"). We also preview future SDSS-V operations (due to start in 2020), and summarize plans for the final SDSS-IV data release (DR17).
Additional Information
© 2020. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Received 2019 December 4; revised 2020 May 7; accepted 2020 May 11; published 2020 June 25. Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating Institutions. SDSS-IV acknowledges support and resources from the Center for High-Performance Computing at the University of Utah. The SDSS website is SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de AstrofÃsica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)/University of Tokyo, Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatário Nacional/MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. Co-authorship on SDSS-IV data papers is alphabetical by last name and offered to all collaboration members who have contributed at least one month FTE toward any of the surveys during the period up to the end of data collection; and any external collaboration who has contributed at least one month FTE to work critical to the data release. We would like to thank the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) at the Ohio State University for their hospitality during "DocuBrew" 2019. This event held in 2019 August was the main venue for documentation updates for DR16 (including this paper), was organized by A.R., J.J., and A.-M.W and attended by R.B., J.B., B.C., K.D., S.H., A.J., J.H., K.M., J.R., J.S.-G., F.S., and M.T. (and remotely by H.J., J.B., J.H., J.S., C.G. J.C., S.A., R.T., B.L., and J.P.). Figures 1 and 2 were made by C.H. Figure 4 was made by A.R. and Figure 5 by M.V. and J.B. This research made use of astropy, a community-developed core python ( package for Astronomy (Robitaille et al. 2013), ipython (Pérez & Granger 2007), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), numpy (Walt et al. 2011), scipy (Virtanen et al. 2020), and topcat (Taylor 2005).Attached Files
Published - Ahumada_2020_ApJS_249_3.pdf
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Additional details
- Alternative title
- The Sixteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra
- Eprint ID
- 104069
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:20200626-103611474
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- Participating Institutions
- NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Fellowship
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Created
2020-06-26Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2023-03-16Created from EPrint's last_modified field
- Caltech groups
- Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC)