Published January 1992 | public
Journal Article

The inhibitory ankyrin and activator Rel proteins

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The gene families encoding the proteins NF-κB, c-Rel and Dorsal, in conjunction with their respective inhibitors IκB, pp40, and Cactus, achieve specificity in gene regulation by means of common principles. The related activities of NF-κB and Dorsal are mediated by heterodimeric or homodimeric complexes of proteins containing the conserved dimerization and DNA-binding domain termed Rel. The IκBs and Cactus, which share a core series of structural repeats termed ankyrin, inhibit cognate activators through differential interactions with the Rel-homology domain. Together, the inhibitory ankyrin proteins and their cognate Rel dimers probably define specific signalling pathways able to activate specific gene expression. Both gene families include proto-oncogenes, thus broadly implicating Rel/IκB in the control of both normal gene expression and the abberant gene expression that makes cells cancerous.

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© 1992 Published by Elsevier Ltd. We thank T Fujita, H Liou, M Scott, E Spanopoulou and other members of D Baltimore's laboratory for critical comment on this manuscript. We are especially grateful to colleagues for discussions or for the sharing of data with us prior to publications: A Baldwin, P Baeuerle, A Bergmann, K Bhatia, V Blank, R Bravo, T Fujita, H Liou, R Geissler, S Ghosh, L Kerr, C Duckett, J Inoue, A Israel, L Herzenberg, L Herzenberg, S Kidd, G Nabel, K Ozato, D Stein, I Vemaa and C Nüsslein-Volhard.

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August 20, 2023
October 20, 2023