Published October 2013 | public
Journal Article

Observation of plasma and magnetoplasma resonances of two-dimensional electrons in a single MgZnO/ZnO heterojunction


The magnetoluminescence of the two-dimensional electron system in a single Mg_x Zn_(1−x)O/ZnO heterojunction (x = 0.02) at a temperature of 0.3 K in magnetic fields up to 14 T has been studied. The concentration of two-dimensional electrons in the structure under study has been determined from the oscillations of the luminescence intensity as a function of the magnetic field. The value thus obtained is close to the one derived from transport measurements. The resonance corresponding to plasma excitations of two-dimensional electrons has been observed using optical detection of microwave absorption. In a magnetic field, the lower branch of magnetoplasma excitations, which corresponds to the propagation of edge magnetoplasmons in a structure with nearly square geometry, has been observed and investigated.

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© Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2013. Received July 16, 2013. Translated by M. Skorikov. Original Russian Text © V.E. Kozlov, A.B. Van'kov, S.I. Gubarev, I.V. Kukushkin, J. Falson, D. Maryenko, Y. Kozuka, A. Tsukazaki, M. Kawasaki, J.H. Smet, 2013, published in Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 2013, Vol. 98, No. 4, pp. 251–254.

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August 19, 2023
October 20, 2023