Published February 2020 | Published
Journal Article Open

Small, Low-energy, Dispersive Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by Parker Solar Probe

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The Energetic Particle Instrument–Low Energy (EPI-Lo) experiment has detected several weak, low-energy (~30–300 keV nucleon⁻¹) solar energetic particle (SEP) events during its first two closest approaches to the Sun, providing a unique opportunity to explore the sources of low-energy particle acceleration. As part of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (IS⊙IS) suite, EPI-Lo was designed to investigate the physics of energetic particles; however, in the special lowest-energy "time-of-flight only" product used in this study, it also responds to solar photons in a subset of approximately sunward-looking apertures lacking special light-attenuating foils. During the first three perihelia, in a frame rotating with the Sun, PSP undergoes retrograde motion, covering a 17° heliographic longitudinal range three times during the course of the ~11-day perihelion passes, permitting a unique spatial and temporal study into the location, correlation, and persistence of previously unmeasurable SEPs. We examine the signatures of these SEPs (during the first PSP perihelion pass only) and the connection to possible solar sources using remote observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), and the ground-based Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG). The orientation of the Sun relative to STEREO, SDO, and GONG makes such identifications challenging, but we do have several candidates, including an equatorial coronal hole at a Carrington longitude of ~335°. To analyze observations from EPI-Lo, which is a new type of particle instrument, we examine instrumental effects and provide a preliminary separation of the ion signal from the photon background.

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© 2020. The American Astronomical Society. Received 2019 October 4; revised 2019 November 15; accepted 2019 November 17; published 2020 February 3. Early Results from Parker Solar Probe: Ushering a New Frontier in Space Exploration This work was supported by NASA's Parker Solar Probe mission, contract NNN06AA01C. We are indebted to the exceptional, dedicated efforts of those who have made this mission and this experiment possible, in particular the engineers, scientist, and administrators who designed and built EPI-Lo. P. Kollmann, J. Peachy, and J. Vandegriff (at JHU/APL) are owed special thanks for their contribution to the scientific configuration and instrumental analysis of EPI-Lo. STEREO work is supported by NASA grant 80NSSC19K1261 (A.V.). This work utilizes data produced collaboratively between Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and the National Solar Observatory. The ADAPT model development is supported by AFRL. The IS⊙IS data and visualization tools are available to the community at; data are also available via the NASA Space Physics Data Facility (

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