Published July 2019 | Published
Journal Article Open

Sr-bearing high-pressure tourmaline from the Kreuzeck Mountains, Eastern Alps, Austria

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A detailed investigation was conducted on high-pressure (~1.4 GPa) tourmaline from an Eoalpine mafic eclogite, which occurs in the Kreuzeck Mountains, Eastern Alps, Austria. Tourmaline from this locality contains the highest amount of Sr²⁺ (up to 0.68 wt% SrO) known to date. The space group is R3m with unit-cell parameters a = 15.944(1), c = 7.202(1) Å, V = 1585.5(3) ų. Analyses by a combination of electron microprobe, optical absorption spectroscopy and crystal-structure refinement (R1 = 1.31%) result in the structural formula ^X(Na_(0.85)Ca_(0.08)Sr_(0.06)K_(0.01))_(Σ1.00)^Y(Mg_(1.68)Al_(0.70) Fe_(0.37)³⁺Ti_(0.10)⁴⁺Fe_(0.11)²⁺Ca_(0.03)Cr_(0.01)³⁺)_(Σ3.00)^Z (Al_(5.15)Mg_(0.80)Fe_(0.05)³⁺)_(Σ6.00)^T(Si_(5.82)B_(0.10)Al_(0.08)O_(18)) (BO₃)₃^V(OH)₃^W [O_(0.45)(OH)_(0.35)F_(0.20)]. The T site contains mainly Si and additionally small amounts of B and Al. According to optical absorption spectroscopy (using the band near 1120 nm), the Fe³⁺/Fe ratio is 79 ± 2%, suggesting that this high-pressure tourmaline crystallized under oxidizing conditions. It has a significant oxy-dravite component. A near-rim zone contains 0.6 wt% Cr₂O₃, 0.5 wt% PbO₂, 0.2 wt% NiO and 0.1 wt% V₂O₃. Only a small F content was found by structure refinement. There is no evidence for significant X-site vacancy in the investigated tourmaline zones. We assume that the original boron source for tourmaline crystallization in the eclogite, i.e. tourmaline-bearing pegmatites in the country-rock, were influenced by a Sr-bearing marble.

Additional Information

© 2019 The authors, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Open Access BY-NC. Published: Dec 12, 2019; Published online: Jun 22, 2019; Manuscript accepted: Apr 26, 2019; Manuscript revision received: Apr 25, 2019; Manuscript received: Mar 4, 2019. This work was supported in part by Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project no. P31049-N29 to AE and NSF grant EAR-1322082 to GRR. We thank Darrell J. Henry and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive reviews.

Attached Files

Published - ejm_Volume_31_Number_4_p791-798_Sr_bearing_high_pressure_tourmaline_from_the_Kreuzeck_Mountains_Eastern_Alps_Austria_91918.pdf



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August 22, 2023
October 18, 2023