Published September 20, 2019 | Submitted + Published
Journal Article Open

Large-scale Maps of the Cosmic Infrared Background from Planck

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The cosmic infrared background (CIB) is a powerful probe of large-scale structure across a very large redshift range, and consists of unresolved redshifted infrared emission from dusty galaxies. It can be used to study the astrophysics of galaxies, the star formation history of the universe, and the connection between dark and luminous matter. It can furthermore be used as a tracer of the large-scale structure and thus assist in de-lensing of the cosmic microwave background. The major difficulty in its use lies in obtaining accurate and unbiased large-scale CIB images that are cleaned of the contamination by Galactic dust. We used data on neutral atomic hydrogen from the recently released HI4PI Survey to create template maps of Galactic dust, allowing us to remove this component from the Planck intensity maps from 353 to 857 GHz for approximately 25% of the sky. This allows us to constrain the CIB power spectrum down to ℓ ≳ 70. We present these CIB maps and the various processing and validation steps that we have performed to ensure their quality, as well as a comparison with previous studies. All our data products are made publicly available, thereby enabling the community to investigate a wide range of questions related to the universe's large-scale structure.

Additional Information

© 2019. The American Astronomical Society. Received 2019 May 6; revised 2019 July 29; accepted 2019 August 14; published 2019 September 23. Part of the research described in this paper was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We acknowledge financial support from "Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies" (PNCG) of CNRS/INSU, France. D.L. acknowledges hospitality from the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, where part of this work was completed. Part of this work has been carried out thanks to the support of the OCEVU Labex (ANR-11-LABX-0060) and the A*MIDEX project (ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) funded by the "Investissements d'Avenir" French government program managed by the ANR. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No. 788212). We are very grateful to Paolo Serra, Brandon Hensley, Abhishek Maniyar, Bryan Steinbach, Agnès Ferte, Tzu-Ching Chang, François Boulanger, Eric Huff, Emmanuel Schaan, Simone Ferraro, and Matthieu Béthermin for long and very fruitful discussions. We thank Peter Kalberla for providing the Milky Way model of Galactic rotation. This research has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System, matplotlib (Hunter 2007), SciPy (Jones et al. 2001), NumPy (Van Der Walt et al. 2011), scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al. 2011), as well as Astropy, a community-developed core Python package for Astronomy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018). Some of the results in this paper have been derived using the HEALPix (Górski et al. 2005) package. Part of this work was carried out under the program Milky Way–Gaia of the PSI2 project funded by the IDEX Paris-Saclay, ANR-11-IDEX-0003-02.

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