Published 2000 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Search for Extraterrestrial Origin of Atmospheric Trace Molecules — Radio Sub-Mm Observations during the Leonids

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To identify the effect of meteor showers on the molecular content of the upper atmosphere of the Earth, we have carried out ground-based observations of atmospheric HCN. HCN radio observations at CSO (Hawaii) on Nov 18/19, 1999, the night after the second Leonid shower maximum, show unusually low HCN abundances above 45 km altitude, which are only recovered after sunrise. We also investigated UARS/HALOE satellite data on H_2O and O_3. No correlation appears of year round H_2O and O_3 around 55 km with annual meteor showers, nor with meteor activity at the time of the 1998 Leonid shower.

Additional Information

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2000. Reprinted from Earth, Moon, and Planets, Volumes 82-83, 1998 (Published in 2000) We thank referees Steve Charnley and Frans Rietmeijer for helpfull comments. This work was supported by grants from CNRS/INSU (G.D.R. Exobiologie and Action Spécifique" Grands Telescopes Etrangers") and CNES, which also provided financial support to Nicolas Lautié. Didier Despois and Philippe Ricaud thank the CSO for providing excellent working conditions, very valuable technical help, and free accomodation at the telescope. CSO is supported by the National Science Foundation grant AST-9980846. Editorial handling: M. Fonda.

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August 19, 2023
October 18, 2023