Published January 1990 | public
Journal Article

New radio maps and optical identifications of distant 3 CR galaxies

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We have made radio observations with both high angular resolution and sensitivity at 6 and 11 cm of thirteen 3 CR radio sources. In eleven of these we have detected compact or fairly compact central components enabling us to pinpoint the location of the optical object and to confirm some previously suggested identifications. We have obtained optical images of 3C114, 3C277, and 3C437, which were previously unidentified, and have measured redshifts for 3C114, 3C272, 3C277, and 3C437. Optical information on the remaining sources has been or is being published elsewhere. All of the sources are associated with galaxies, with redshifts ranging from 0.165 to nearly 1.8. The newly identified sources have redshifts greater than 0.6. All the sources display some form of double structure, about half of them being symmetrical, classical doubles. It is pointed out that the higher redshift (z > 0.8) sources in this group have relatively weak bridges, although the high redshift sources with extended Lyα display strong bridge emission. In one case (3C114) we have evidence that the flux density of the central radio core varies.

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© 1990 European Southern Observatory. Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System. Received March 3, accepted April 25, 1989. Based in part on data obtained at Lick Observatory, University of California, and the Multi Mirror Telescope Observatory, a joint facility of the Smithsonian Institution and University of Arizona. The WSRT is operated by the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy with the financial support of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Kitt Peak National Observatory is financially supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation. The UC Berkeley research on faint galaxies is supported through NSF grant 8706227 (to H.S.). S.D. acknowledges partial support from the California Institute of Technology and from Harvard University.

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