Published June 2019 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Flexible, Conformal Phased Arrays with Dynamic Array Shape Self-Calibration

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Flexible and conformal phased arrays enable a broad range of novel applications. One of the major challenges for such systems is that they experience a change in their behavior when bent or deformed. A self-calibrating flexible phased array can overcome this by estimating the relative position change of its elements as they undergo local deformations. In this work, we demonstrate a dynamically flexible and conformal 8-element phased array based on a custom CMOS transceiver unit. Beam-steering is demonstrated with the flexible array flat and with the array conformed to convex and concave bend radii of ±120 mm. In addition, we propose and test a shape calibration method that uses only the coupling between elements, using the flexible phase array.

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© 2019 IEEE. The authors wish to thank their funders and collaborators at the Caltech Space Solar Power Initiative, as well as M. R. Hashemi, D. Hodge, C. Ives, and A. Ngai who aided in measurement set-up and manuscript preparation.

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August 19, 2023
October 18, 2023