Published July 10, 2019 | Accepted Version + Published
Journal Article Open

Dust and Molecular Gas in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in MACS 1931.8-2635

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We present new Atacama Large Millimeter Array observations of the molecular gas and far-infrared continuum around the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in the cool-core cluster MACS 1931.8-2635. Our observations reveal (1.9 ± 0.3) × 10^(10) M⊙ of molecular gas, on par with the largest known reservoirs of cold gas in a cluster core. We detect CO(1−0), CO(3−2), and CO(4−3) emission from both diffuse and compact molecular gas components that extend from the BCG center out to ~30 kpc to the northwest, tracing the UV knots and Hα filaments observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Due to the lack of morphological symmetry, we hypothesize that the ~300 km s−1 velocity of the CO in the tail is not due to concurrent uplift by active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets; rather, we may be observing the aftermath of a recent AGN outburst. The CO spectral line energy distribution suggests that molecular gas excitation is influenced by processes related to both star formation and recent AGN feedback. Continuum emission in Bands 6 and 7 arises from dust and is spatially coincident with young stars and nebular emission observed in the UV and optical. We constrain the temperature of several dust clumps to be ≾10 K, which is too cold to be directly interacting with the surrounding ~4.8 keV intracluster medium (ICM). The cold dust population extends beyond the observed CO emission and must either be protected from interacting with the ICM or be surrounded by local volumes of ICM that are several keV colder than observed by Chandra.

Additional Information

© 2019 The American Astronomical Society. Received 2019 March 25; revised 2019 May 16; accepted 2019 May 16; published 2019 July 11. The authors thank Piero Rosati and Miguel Verdugo for graciously providing the VLT/MUSE spectrum of the MACS 1931 BCG to us in advance of its publication. This paper makes use of the following ALMA data sets: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2016.1.00784.S and ADS/JAO.ALMA#2017.1.01205.S. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. This research was supported, in part, by NASA grant HSTGO-12065.01-A. The CLASH Multi-Cycle Treasury Program is based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and which is operated by the Space Telescope Science Institute. K.F. acknowledges financial support from the Troesh Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship from the California Institute of Technology. H.D. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the 2014 Ramon y Cajal program MINECO RYC-2014-15686. This research made use of APLpy, an open-source plotting package for Python (Robitaille & Bressert 2012). The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for their quick response to the submitted manuscript.

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Published - Fogarty_2019_ApJ_879_103.pdf

Accepted Version - 1905.01377.pdf


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