Published November 18, 2016 | public
Conference Paper

Modeling the Generation of Supersonic Turbulent Jet Noise by Large-Scale Coherent Structures


Large-scale coherent structures, or wavepackets, are a salient feature of turbulent jets, and the main source of jet mixing noise at aft angles. They are extracted from a high-fidelity Mach 1.5 LES database as spectral POD mode estimates. These most energetic wavepackets obtained via POD and their acoustic far-field radiation patterns are compared to solution to the one-way Euler (OWE) equations recently introduced by Towne & Colonius (AIAA Paper 2013-2171, 2013; AIAA Paper 2014-2903, 2014). Within the OWE framework, the linearized Euler equations are modified such that all upstream propagating acoustic wave components are removed from the solution. The resulting spatial initial value problem can be solved in a stable and computationally efficient manner by downstream marching the solution. Additionally, the scenario of stochastic forcing of wavepackets by the surrounding turbulence is considered in a resolvent analysis. The resolvent analysis allows for the computation of optimal forcing distributions and corresponding responses. It is based on a singular value decomposition of the transfer function of the governing linear operator. The results of the both methods, OWE and resolvent analysis, are compared to the most energetic POD modes with a special focus on far-field radiation patterns and computational efficiency.

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© 2016 Acoustical Society of America. Published Online: 18 November 2016.

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