Published July 2012 | Published + Submitted
Journal Article Open

Higgs and dark matter hints of an oasis in the desert

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Recent LHC results suggest a standard model (SM)-like Higgs boson in the vicinity of 125 GeV with no clear indications yet of physics beyond the SM. At the same time, the SM is incomplete, since additional dynamics are required to accommodate cosmological dark matter (DM). In this paper we show that interactions between weak scale DM and the Higgs which are strong enough to yield a thermal relic abundance consistent with observation can easily destabilize the electroweak vacuum or drive the theory into a non-perturbative regime at a low scale. As a consequence, new physics — beyond the DM itself — must enter at a cutoff well below the Planck scale and in some cases as low as O(10-1000 TeV), a range relevant to indirect probes of flavor and CP violation. In addition, this cutoff is correlated with the DM mass and scattering cross-section in a parameter space which will be probed experimentally in the near term. Specifically, we consider the SM plus additional spin 0 or 1/2 states with singlet, triplet, or doublet electroweak quantum numbers and quartic or Yukawa couplings to the Higgs boson. We derive explicit expressions for the full two-loop RGEs and one-loop threshold corrections for these theories.

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© SISSA, Trieste, Italy 2012. Received: May 13, 2012. Accepted: July 6, 2012. Published: July 17, 2012. C.C. and M.P. are supported in part by the Director, Office of Science, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, of the US Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. C.C. is also supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant PHY-0855653. K.Z. is supported by NSF CAREER award PHY1049896 and NASA Astrophysics Theory grant NNX11AI17G. K.Z. thanks the Berkeley theory group for hospitality where this work was initiated.

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Published - 10.1007_2FJHEP07_2012_105.pdf

Submitted - 1203.5106.pdf


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