Published 1989 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Accretion Disk Magnetohydrodynamics and the Origin of Jets

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Accretion disks are believed to be present in active galactic nuclei, binary X-ray sources, cataclysmic variables and protostars. Disks in all four types of source have been associated with collimated jets or bipolar outflows. It is argued that magnetic extraction of disk angular momentum provides a natural method for launching these jets and that poloidal field that passes through the disk is more likely to be effective than dynamo-generated field. Electromagnetic and hydromagnetic models for jet production are reviewed, emphasising their shortcomings and the dependence on physical conditions in the disk. Magnetic torques may also extract rotational energy from a central black hole. It is conjectured that, in practice, a black hole magnetosphere will be magnetically dominated and practically force-free and that no extra restrictions are imposed on its structure by the application of relativistic MHD theory. It is also argued that, despite recent concerns, the hole will be able to communicate its angular velocity to the magnetosphere and so drive a unipolar inductor.

Additional Information

© 1989 Kluwer Academic Publishers. I acknowledge informative discussion with Fred Adams, Lee Hartman, Arieh Konigl, Colin Norman, David Payne, Aad van Ballegooijen and several workshop participants. That I am indebted to Roman Znajek, Max Camenzind, Ferd Coroniti, Sterl Phinney, Brian Punsley and Kip Thorne for invaluable debates on the contents of §4.3, 4.4 does not imply that they agree with my conclusions. I thank Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the University of Arizona for hospitality during the preparation of this review. Support by the Smithsonian Institution and Guggenheim Foundation, the National Science Foundation under grant AST86-15325 and NASA under grant NAGW-1301 is gratefully acknowledged.

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August 22, 2023
January 14, 2024