Published June 15, 2019 | public
Journal Article

Robustness of Difference Coarrays of Sparse Arrays to Sensor Failures - Part I: A Theory Motivated by Coarray MUSIC

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In array processing, sparse arrays are capable of resolving O(N^2) uncorrelated sources with N sensors. Sparse arrays have this property because they possess uniform linear array (ULA) segments of size O(N^2) in the difference coarray, defined as the differences between sensor locations. However, the coarray structure of sparse arrays is susceptible to sensor failures, and the reliability of sparse arrays remains a significant but challenging topic for investigation. Broadly speaking, ULAs whose difference coarrays only have O(N) elements, are more robust than sparse arrays with O(N^2) coarray sizes. This paper advances a theory for quantifying such robustness by introducing the k-essentialness of sensors and the k-essential family of arrays. The proposed theory is motivated by the coarray MUSIC algorithm, which estimates source directions based on difference coarrays. Furthermore, the concept of essentialness not only characterizes the patterns of k faulty sensors that shrink the difference coarray, but also leads to the notion of k-fragility, which assesses the robustness of array geometries quantitatively. However, the large size of the k-essential family usually complicates the theory. It will be shown that the k-essential family can be compactly represented by the so-called k-essential Sperner family. Finally the proposed theory is used to provide insights into the probability of change of the difference coarray, as a function of the sensor failure probability and array geometry. In a companion paper, the k-essential Sperner family for several commonly used array geometries will be derived in closed-form, resulting in a quantitative comparison of the robustness of these arrays.

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© 2019 IEEE. Manuscript received June 18, 2018; revised January 30, 2019; accepted April 4, 2019. Date of publication April 23, 2019; date of current version May 10, 2019. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Fabiola Colone. This work was supported in part by the ONR Grant N00014-18-1-2390, in part by the NSF Grant CCF-1712633, in part by the California Institute of Technology, in part by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C., under Yushan Young Scholar Program (under Grant NTU-107V0902), and in part by the National Taiwan University.

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