Published October 2013 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Pre-orders for reasoning about stability properties with respect to input of hybrid systems

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Pre-orders on systems are the basis for abstraction based verification of systems. In this paper, we investigate pre-orders for reasoning about stability with respect to inputs of hybrid systems. First, we present a superposition type theorem which gives a characterization of the classical incremental input-to-state stability of continuous systems in terms of the traditional ε-δ definition of stability. We use this as the basis for defining a notion of incremental input-to-state stability of hybrid systems. Next, we present a pre-order on hybrid systems which preserves incremental input-to-state stability, by extending the classical definitions of bisimulation relations on systems with input, with uniform continuity constraints. We show that the uniform continuity is a necessary requirement by exhibiting counter-examples to show that weaker notions of input bisimulation with just continuity requirements do not suffice to preserve stability. Finally, we demonstrate that the definitions are useful, by exhibiting concrete abstraction functions which satisfy the definitions of pre-orders.

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© 2013 IEEE. The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for their feedback in improving the earlier versions of the paper. This work was partially supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Center for Mathematics of Information at the California Institute of Technology and a postdoctoral fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

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August 19, 2023
October 20, 2023