Published February 20, 2019 | Published + Accepted Version
Journal Article Open

Cross-correlating Carbon Monoxide Line-intensity Maps with Spectroscopic and Photometric Galaxy Surveys

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Line-intensity mapping is an emerging field of observational work, with strong potential to fit into a larger effort to probe large-scale structure and small-scale astrophysical phenomena using multiple complementary tracers. Taking full advantage of such complementarity means, in part, undertaking line-intensity surveys with galaxy surveys in mind. We consider the potential for detection of a cross-correlation signal between COMAP and blind surveys based on photometric redshifts (as in COSMOS) or based on spectroscopic data (as with the HETDEX survey of Lyα emitters). We find that obtaining σ_z (1+z) ≲ 0.003 accuracy in redshifts and ≳10^(−4) sources per Mpc^3 with spectroscopic redshift determination should enable a CO-galaxy cross spectrum detection significance at least twice that of the CO auto spectrum. Either a future targeted spectroscopic survey or a blind survey like HETDEX may be able to meet both of these requirements.

Additional Information

© 2019 The American Astronomical Society. Received 2018 September 12; revised 2018 December 21; accepted 2019 January 17; published 2019 February 25. D.T.C., M.P.V., S.E.C., and R.H.W. acknowledge support via NSF AST-1517598 and a seed grant from the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology. K.A.C. acknowledges funding from the NSF via award AST-1518282, as well as from the Keck Institute for Space Studies. H.K.E., M.K.F., H.T.I., and I.K.W. acknowledge support from the Research Council of Norway through grant 251328. J.O.G. acknowledges support from the Keck Institute for Space Studies, NSF AST-1517108, and the University of Miami. S.E.H. acknowledges support from an STFC Consolidated Grant (ST/P000649/1). H.P.'s research is supported by the Tomalla Foundation. We thank Tony Li for initial simulations and discussions that evolved into this work, and Clive Dickinson for crucial discussions and comments at the inception of this work. We also thank Lluís Mas-Ribas for an enlightening discussion about Lyα blobs. Some of this work was presented and refined at the workshop "Cosmological Signals from Cosmic Dawn to the Present" held at the Aspen Center for Physics, which is supported by National Science Foundation via grant PHY-1607611. We would like to acknowledge the organizers and participants of that workshop, including Yun-Ting Cheng for providing a draft version of work in preparation. We thank Matthew Becker for access to the Chinchilla cosmological simulation (c400-2048) used in this work. Finally, we thank an anonymous referee whose comments and suggestions greatly improved this manuscript. This research made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System Bibliographic Services. This work also used computational resources at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Software: Astropy, a community-developed core Python package for astronomy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013); Matplotlib (Hunter 2007); hmf (Murray et al. 2013).

Attached Files

Published - Chung_2019_ApJ_872_186.pdf

Accepted Version - 1809.04550.pdf


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