Published December 2012 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Control Lyapunov functions and hybrid zero dynamics

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Hybrid zero dynamics extends the Byrnes-Isidori notion of zero dynamics to a class of hybrid models called systems with impulse effects. Specifically, given a smooth submanifold that is contained in the zero set of an output function and is invariant under both the continuous flow of the system with impulse effects as well as its reset map, the restriction dynamics is called the hybrid zero dynamics. Prior results on the stabilization of periodic orbits of the hybrid zero dynamics have relied on input-output linearization of the transverse variables. The principal result of this paper shows how control Lyapunov functions can be used to exponentially stabilize periodic orbits of the hybrid zero dynamics, thereby significantly extending the class of stabilizing controllers. An illustration of this result on a model of a bipedal walking robot is provided.

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© 2012 IEEE. The work of A. D. Ames is supported by NSF grants CNS-0953823 and CNS-1136104, NHARP project 000512-0184-2009 and NASA contract NNX12AB58G, K. Galloway is supported by DARPA Contract W91CRB-11-1-0002, and J. Grizzle is supported in part by DARPA and by NSF grant ECS-909300.

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August 19, 2023
October 20, 2023