Published December 2014 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Hierarchical control of series elastic actuators through control Lyapunov functions

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This paper addresses the control design problem of stabilizing both joint-angle and spring-torque control objectives in robots with series elastic actuators (SEAs). The proposed method is a hierarchical control scheme which employs rapidly exponentially stabilizing control Lyapunov functions (RES-CLFs) to obtain controllers for each tier in the scheme. The main result of the paper demonstrates that for a proper choice of controller parameters, applying the proposed controller to the SEA control system results in simultaneous exponential stability of the joint-angle and the spring-torque control objectives. Furthermore, it is shown that for a locally exponentially stable periodic orbit in the zero dynamics of the control system considered, the controller renders a corresponding orbit in the full SEA dynamics locally exponentially stable.

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© 2014 IEEE. This research is supported by NASA grants NNX11AN06H and NNX12AQ68G, NSF grants CPS-1239085, CNS-0953823 and CNS-1136104, and the Texas Emerging Technology Fund.

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August 20, 2023
October 20, 2023