Published May 2015 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Realizing underactuated bipedal walking with torque controllers via the ideal model resolved motion method

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This paper presents experimentally realized bipedal robotic walking using ideal torque controllers via a novel approach termed the ideal model resolved motion method (IM-RMM), where a system's ideal closed-loop dynamics are integrated forward from the actual state of the hardware to provide desired positions and velocity commands to a PD controller. By combining this method with gaits generated using the Human-Inspired Control framework, walking was realized experimentally on the DURUS platform, designed and built by SRI, and achieved with minimal system identification. For comparison, two controllers, one using feedback linearization and one using Control Lyapunov Function based Quadratic Programs (CLF-QP), both realized through IM-RMM, are compared with a benchmark procedure, the Hybrid Zero Dynamics reconstruction, that is shown to provide reliable walking in literature. The results of both simulations and experiments are presented, with the CLF-QP implemented via IM-RMM resulting in the lowest experimental specific energetic cost of transport of c_(et) = 0.63 achieved during sustained walking on the 31.5 kg bipedal robot.

Additional Information

© 2015 IEEE. This work is supported by the SRI International Award W31P4Q-13-C-009 and the Texas Emerging Technology Fund Grant 11062013. The authors want to thank SRI International for the design, development, and testing of DURUS, Dr. Benjamin Morris for proposing the initial ideas relating to IM-RMM, and the members of AMBER Lab for their invaluable assistance.

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August 20, 2023
October 20, 2023