Published April 2020 | Published
Book Open

Phase Transitions in Materials: Advanced Topics

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This book explains the thermodynamics and kinetics of most of the important phase transitions in materials science. It is a textbook, so the emphasis is on explanations of phenomena rather than a scholarly assessment of their origins. The goal is explanations that are concise, clear, and reasonably complete. The level and detail are appropriate for upper division undergraduate students and graduate students in materials science and materials physics. The book should also be useful for researchers who are not specialists in these fields. The book is organized for approximately linear coverage in a graduate-level course. The four parts of the book serve different purposes, however, and should be approached differently.

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© B. Fultz 2020. This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of the author. I thank J.J. Hoyt for collaborating with me on a book chapter about phase equilibria and phase transformations that prompted me to get started on the first edition of this book. The development of the topic of vibrational entropy would not have been possible without the contributions of my junior collaborators at Caltech, especially L. Anthony, L.J. Nagel, H.N. Frase, M.E. Manley, P.D. Bogdanoff, J.Y.Y. Lin, T.L. Swan-Wood, A.B. Papandrew, O. Delaire, M.S. Lucas, M.G. Kresch, M.L. Winterrose, J. Purewal, C.W. Li, T. Lan, L. Mauger, S.J. Tracy, and D.S. Kim. Several of them are taking this field into new directions. Important ideas have come from stimulating conversations over the years with O. Hellman, A. van de Walle, V. Ozolins, G. Ceder, M. Asta, L.-Q. Chen, D.D. Johnson, E.E. Alp, R. Hemley, J. Neugebauer, B. Grabowski, M. Sluiter, F. Körmann, D. de Fontaine, A.G. Khachaturyan, I. Abrikosov, A. Zunger, P. Rez, K. Samwer, and W.L. Johnson. This work benefited from the support of the NSF Award 1904714.

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August 19, 2023
October 24, 2023