Published October 2018 | Published
Journal Article Open

Constraining Aging Processes of Black Carbon in the Community Atmosphere Model Using Environmental Chamber Measurements

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The direct radiative forcing of black carbon aerosol (BC) on the Earth system remains unsettled, largely due to the uncertainty with physical properties of BC throughout their lifecycle. Here we show that ambient chamber measurements of BC properties provide a novel constraint on the crude BC aging representation in climate models. Observational evidence for significant absorption enhancement of BC can be reproduced when the aging processes in the four‐mode version of the Modal Aerosol Module (MAM4) aerosol scheme in the Community Atmosphere Model version 5 are calibrated by the recent in situ chamber measurements. An observation‐based scaling method is developed in the aging timescale calculation to alleviate the influence of biases in the simulated model chemical composition. Model sensitivity simulations suggest that the different monolayer settings in the BC aging parameterization of MAM4 can cause as large as 26% and 24% differences in BC burden and radiative forcing, respectively. We also find that an increase in coating materials (e.g., sulfate and secondary organic aerosols) reduces BC lifetime by increasing the hygroscopicity of the mixture but enhances its absorption, resulting in a net increase in BC direct radiative forcing. Our results suggest that accurate simulations of BC aging processes as well as other aerosol species are equally important in reducing the uncertainty of BC forcing estimation.

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©2018. The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. Received 28 MAY 2018. Accepted 3 OCT 2018. Accepted article online 8 OCT 2018. Published online 23 OCT 2018. Y. Wang and J. H. Jiang appreciate the support by the NASA ROSES ACMAP and CCST programs and the support from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Y. Wang and Y. L. Yung appreciate the support by the NSF (award 1700727). P.‐L. Ma acknowledges the internal support from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which is operated for the Department of Energy by Battelle Memorial Institute under contract DE‐AC05‐76RL01830. The CESM source code can be obtained from All model and chamber experiment results are stored at our FTP server at California Institute of Technology and available upon request. Please contact Yuan Wang ( to access those data.

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August 22, 2023
October 19, 2023