Published August 1988 | public
Journal Article

Three problems concerning ideals of differentiable functions

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In this paper, we study the validity of the following two statements in the internal logic of the toposes of Synthetic Differential Geometry: 1. (1) The integral of f is non-negative if f is non-negative; 2. (2) If f=0 in the set of non-negative reals, and f=0 in the set of non-negative reals, then f=0. We find statements (1) and (2) to be true in the toposes considered. We also prove that 3. (3) For n greater than two, the arrow tn from the line to itself is not a stable effective epic. This answers a question raised by Quê-Moerdijk-Reyes.

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© 1988 Published by Elsevier. Under an Elsevier user license. Communicated by F. W. Lawvere. Received 29 December 1986. Research partially supported by the "Groupe Interuniversitaire en Etudes Categoriques". We thank Gonzalo Reyes and van Quê for suggesting the problems and for their encouragement.

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August 19, 2023
October 19, 2023