Published August 29, 2018 | Supplemental Material + Accepted Version
Journal Article Open

Thermodynamics of Proton and Electron Transfer in Tetranuclear Clusters with Mn–OH₂/OH Motifs Relevant to H₂O Activation by the Oxygen Evolving Complex in Photosystem II

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We report the synthesis of site-differentiated heterometallic clusters with three Fe centers and a single Mn site that binds water and hydroxide in multiple cluster oxidation states. Deprotonation of Fe^(III/II)_3Mn^(II)–OH₂ clusters leads to internal reorganization resulting in formal oxidation at Mn to generate Fe^(III/II)_3Mn^(III)–OH. ^(57)Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy reveals that oxidation state changes (three for Fe^(III/II)_3Mn–OH₂ and four for Fe^(III/II)_3Mn–OH clusters) occur exclusively at the Fe centers; the Mn center is formally Mn^(II) when water is bound and Mn^(III) when hydroxide is bound. Experimentally determined pK_a (17.4) of the [Fe^(III)₂Fe^(II)Mn^(II)–OH₂] cluster and the reduction potentials of the [Fe_3Mn–OH₂] and [Fe_3Mn–OH] clusters were used to analyze the O–H bond dissociation enthalpies (BDE_(O–H)) for multiple cluster oxidation states. BDE_(O–H) increases from 69 to 78 and 85 kcal/mol for the [Fe^(III)Fe^(II)₂Mn^(II)–OH₂], [Fe^(III)₂Fe^(II)Mn^(II)–OH₂], and [Fe^(III)_3Mn^(II)–OH₂] clusters, respectively. Further insight of the proton and electron transfer thermodynamics of the [Fe_3Mn–OH_x] system was obtained by constructing a potential–pK_a diagram; the shift in reduction potentials of the [Fe_3Mn–OH_x] clusters in the presence of different bases supports the BDE_(O–H) values reported for the [Fe_3Mn–OH₂] clusters. A lower limit of the pK_a for the hydroxide ligand of the [Fe_3Mn–OH] clusters was estimated for two oxidation states. These data suggest BDE_(O–H) values for the [Fe^(III)₂Fe^(II)Mn^(III)–OH] and [Fe^(III)_3Mn^(III)–OH] clusters are greater than 93 and 103 kcal/mol, which hints to the high reactivity expected of the resulting [Fe_3Mn═O] in this and related multinuclear systems.

Additional Information

© 2018 American Chemical Society. Received: June 19, 2018; Published: July 31, 2018. This research was supported by the NIH (R01-GM102687B) and the Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Program (T.A.). C.J.R. thanks the Resnick Sustainability Institute at Caltech for a fellowship. We thank Dr. Mike Takase and Dr. Larry Henling for assistance with crystallography, Prof. Jonas Peters for use of his laboratory's Mössbauer spectrometer, and the Dow Next Generation Educator Fund for instrumentation. The authors declare no competing financial interest.

Attached Files

Accepted Version - nihms-984247.pdf

Supplemental Material - ja8b06426_si_001.cif

Supplemental Material - ja8b06426_si_002.pdf


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