Published April 1981 | public
Journal Article

Thermal response of Saturn's ring particles during and after eclipse

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We present infrared (20 μm) observations of Saturn's rings for a solar elevation angle of 10° and phase angle of 6°. Scans across the rings yield information about the cooling of particles during eclipse and the subsequent heating along their orbits. All three rings exhibit significant cooling during eclipse, as well as a 20-μm brightness asymmetry between east and west ansae, the largest asymmetry occuring in the C ring (the brightest ring). The eclipse cooling is a simple and adequate explanation for 20-μm brightness asymmetries between the ansae of Saturn's rings. The relatively large C ring asymmetry is thought to be primarily due to the short travel time of the particles in that ring from eclipse exit to east ansa. We compare the B ring data to the theoretical models of H.H. Aumann and H.H. Kieffer (1973, Astrophys. J.186, 305–311) in order to set constraints on the average particle size and thermal inertia. The rather rapid heating after exit from eclipse points to low-conductivity-particle surfaces, similar to the water frost surfaces of Galilean satellites. If the surface conductivity is indeed low, one cannot determine an upper limit for the particle size through such infrared observations, since only the uppermost millimeters experience a thermal response during eclipse. However, based on these infrared data alone, it is clear that particles of radius equal to a few millimeters or less cannot occupy a significant fraction of the ring surface area, because-regardless of thermal inertia-their thermal response is much faster than observed.

Additional Information

© 1981 Published by Elsevier. Received 17 November 1980, Revised 17 February 1981. Initial suggestions and discussions about these observations were made by P. D. Nicholson and P. Goldreich. Their original guidance and continued interest are greatly appreciated. We thank H. H. Aumann for graphs (which led to Figs. 2 and 3) from his original (1973) work with H. H. Kieffer, and for helpful discussions. Comments by C. B. Farmer, A. P. Ingersoll, B. M. Jakosky, D. O. Muhleman, and Y. L. Yung are also gratefully acknowledged. We benefited from critical reviews by H. H. Kieffer, A. T. Tokunaga, and an anonymous referee. K. Sellgren and J. Carrasco assisted with the observations. This work was supported by NASA grants. This is contribution 3479 from the Geological and Planetary Sciences Division of the California Institute of Technology.

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